Can't sleep


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That's amazing but I would be creeped out

Where do you live? they sound like they're right out front of your house.
That's amazing but I would be creeped out

Where do you live? they sound like they're right out front of your house.

In Barrie, that's the forest behind my house. This is almost a nightly event, the turkeys sometimes make some strange noises too.
We have a lot of coyotes and coydogs living around us and yeah, some nights you swear they're right under the window. Especially when they've killed something.
We don't have a lot of turkeys but we do get lots of turkey vultures. Ugly, nasty brutes and man, do they stink.
Life in the country isn't the peaceful, bucolic existence city folk think it is, lol.
Time for a good huntin rifle

Have one ;).
There considered vermin and open all year round to shoot them on your property. I almost became dinner one night putting my trailer away in storage at a local field, they had me surrounded and had to get into my truck and scare them off lol.
grab a rifle and put on a night vision goggle for a nightly hunt
Sounds like home to me! I'd fall asleep no problem with that noise... Now a city with sirens, coffee canned civics, and all the white noise would just drive me nuts!

Actually, it would probably keep me up with excitement about going hunting the next day.
move to the city

if you cant handle it
A year or so I made a late evening service call north of Acton and heard the howling. It made trips to the service van rather exciting.
I don't recall the critters years ago.
I miss the sounds of coyotes. I grew up with them howling on a regular basis. You don't hear them too much in the city but where I live is close to the outskirts so I still hear them occasionally.
In Barrie, that's the forest behind my house. This is almost a nightly event, the turkeys sometimes make some strange noises too.

I need to get a shotgun and go hunting on your property

Time for a good huntin rifle

U beat me to it, lol. I guess we're rednecks
My bed is empty on most nights......lmao
I grew up to the sound of coyotes as well, my parents live approx 45 min north west of Barrie...we would always hear them while trying to fall asleep....also had a wolf about 7 ft from my door one morning when I let the dog out.....
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