Cancer Treatments and Charity..


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So I was watching this really cool award winning documentary about cancer (can be found here:, and knowing the medical field, one part sure made me question.

A part in the movie (28:53 to 31:35), is what made me question - where does all these fund raised for cancer research by citizens go? You go somewhere to donate some cash, who takes it and wheres it put? I personally never participate in these charity events for this very purpose - corruption and lies. I know we have cures out there, but the business model, 'to not allow a cure to be given', due to the massive funds medical corps receive every year and deads help the world according to the psycho's in control makes me wonder why aren't we directly funding some of these guys who are making cures. -_-
this is very complicated.

the united way, accepts charity money, and spreads it evenly with charities registered with them.

livestrong, has a similar list of companies and researchers which receive money from them.

Who these companies are and who the researchers are which get the funding, isn't regulated, so who they are depends on which ones the "charity" deems worthy. Either they have done compelling or promising research or, they're representatives gives good head. It's all up to the "charity"

The Princess Margaret lottery, all money goes to them. So you know where that money goes.

Every time you see someone asking for cancer money, the destination will be different. All depends on the specific "charity". you can always ask where the money goes, and if you're not satisfied you can always not give.

Reputable charities will always tell you where the money goes and why.

The biggest problem with disease research is, the researchers rarely talk to each other. Every one want the kudos for themselves. In the states where money is to be made, this is very prevalent.
I know the CEO for the American Cancer Society earns over a million dollars a year salary, yeah not Canadian but still along the same topic. It just outrages me that they can get away with this. Coming from someone who lost his father when I was 20 years old to colon cancer sucked and this just makes my blood boil... I strongly believe there is a cure out there for Cancer just due to the amount of money lost by major drug corporations they will never release it.

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If you guys watch the documentary, you will know the truth about the industry. Charity or not, the way the system works is - if it does not benefit the drug/pharma corps in any way, the corps it will put up a fight. Since the FDA and the government are all connected to corporations, they're all in each other's pockets.


Don't get me wrong, certain charities are great - example helping homeless people, etc. But anything connected to big profits ($$), banks, governments and corporations, forget it, it'll just be corruption.
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The charities are designed first and foremost to provide a juicy salary for their execs. Lots of wealthy people get warm and fuzzies from getting tax receipts and if their friends work there, even better. United Way is the biggest crook of them all because they've infiltrated every workplace with marketed guilt trips, collect millions of dollars from people who should otherwise pay off their credit cards and eat healthier (to prevent cancer lol), then pay themselves, then randomly select charities to give money to (that their friends work at). As long as you pay taxes, you shouldn't give to charity. The government already dumps tons of money on all these researchers through. TONS. If you need absolution form sin and just want to pay for it, go do something for someone in need that you know (do it anonymously if you don't want them to know you are paying to alleviate your white liberal guilt). And for Christ sake the DVP and Gardiner were not meant to be playgrounds on the weekend. I don't even know what pisses me off more: asking for money or shutting down the highway to do it.
I know the CEO for the American Cancer Society earns over a million dollars a year salary, yeah not Canadian but still along the same topic. It just outrages me that they can get away with this. Coming from someone who lost his father when I was 20 years old to colon cancer sucked and this just makes my blood boil... I strongly believe there is a cure out there for Cancer just due to the amount of money lost by major drug corporations they will never release it.

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The curse of the humanity (Cops, medicals, teachers, fire EMS etc) payscale. Pay a person working in the humanities too much and you attract people only in it for the money. Pay them too little and you don't get competent people.

If the million dollar CEO makes a $500 million dollar organization 10% more efficient than a half million dollar CEO then it's money well spent. The trouble is the smoke and mirrors nature of accounting on this level is beyond the understanding of us mere mortals. It took financial geniuses to orchestrate the 2008 meltdown. A grade 8 math student couldn't have engineered the scam.

IMO AIDS was the best thing that ever happened to cancer research. Cancer was no longer the darling cash magnet and they had to start showing results. Some treatments and drugs that have been developed are amazing.

Unfortunately there is much left to do. My wife just lost a co-worker and a friend's sister is in bad shape. I buried my brother last week. All cancer.
1+ @ eljay

When I was studying towards the wall-street industry and figuring out ways of how to make the maximum amount of $ from stocks and the scams the rich or middle class guys in this field create, I learned various retarded ways of how one can maximize their share of their so called "hard work" and risk so the government doesn't take most of it away in taxes. One of the methods I learned was donation for the purpose of tax. So some charities are pretty scammy in nature indeed. One just has to be smart in knowing what the issue is. In the end, we're all men and women who may have someone in our life that has such a disease that won't ever see the light for treatment. I'm surprised we're all still sheep and not annihilating this triangle structure for our own betterment of life, in the end.. it's not them who run the world, it's us. Sigh!
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The charities are designed first and foremost to provide a juicy salary for their execs. Lots of wealthy people get warm and fuzzies from getting tax receipts and if their friends work there, even better. United Way is the biggest crook of them all because they've infiltrated every workplace with marketed guilt trips, collect millions of dollars from people who should otherwise pay off their credit cards and eat healthier (to prevent cancer lol), then pay themselves, then randomly select charities to give money to (that their friends work at).

I know it's not a disease charity... But Salvation army thrift store works the same way... Paid employees, managers ceo

Collect donation from people and sell them.... 25% of the profit goes to the SA church which runs the food Bank, homeless shelter, social services

The other 75% is profit... One of their bigger stores in Mississauga made 1.7 million last year in revenue
All of this speaks volumes of the economic system we live in and how it's shaped our world.

The whole capitalist mentality treats money as a means to an end (healing) whereas it should be treating healing as an end in itself and there should be no money involved. These for profit charities are basically capitalism in a nutshell. It's sad, it's just a legal way to exploit the general public into thinking theure paying into a better cause when in reality the cure has probably already been found but it can't be patented by big pharma. Sure you can call the above model an ideal world, but for anyone that has read Thomas More's Utopia you'd know that the ideal world has its flaws (ie slaves and wars) and the above model is by no means something which is flawless but it's a step in the right direction.

The moment we get rid of money for the purpose of healing is the moment the corrupt, power hungry elitists don't try to profit off of charities. But so long as any money is involved in research, medicine, health care etc etc, that is when problems arise because it brings out the Hobbesian ego within those who are hungry enough to feed off the money that could be made.

Not trying to sound like a conspiracy nut here because I hate when people go on conspiracy tangents, but I think there is a lot the common person doesn't know about how the world truly runs. We are alienated from it because we don't experience it; we are merely given the warm fuzzy feeling that the world works in a way which no one is exploited and everyone's happy and the world runs in a swimmingly manner.

I think we got a lot of work to do as a species first because even if we find the cure to cancer via the medical complex we have now, we still have to worry about the other cancer, which is us and the way we reinforce and indirectly support the corruption of something such as these cancer research fundraisers and many other things that are wrong with the world
I know it's not a disease charity... But Salvation army thrift store works the same way... Paid employees, managers ceo

Collect donation from people and sell them.... 25% of the profit goes to the SA church which runs the food Bank, homeless shelter, social services

The other 75% is profit... One of their bigger stores in Mississauga made 1.7 million last year in revenue

Well yes they do have paid employees, managers and truck drivers, benefits and actual pension plans. Where else would you get store staff, drivers and managers if it wasn't a paying gig? Volunteers aren't going to run a show that size. The profit pays leases on stores, salaries, equipment, and so on. I think you'd find there putting most of the money back into valued work, out of all faith based businesses they may be one of the most reliable.
So this report claims this drug will never make it through test because it takes about $100MM to push a drug through, but there's no profit in it so no one will invest the $100MM.

Hmmmmm... the Canadian Cancer Society spends over $150MM a year on "stuff" including $45MM a year for research (that's about 1/3). Here's the linke to their latest financial statement , those numbers are on page 4 under expenditures. Also interesting is their balance sheet with over $50MM of cash in the bank and a $25MM pension liability (ka-ching!!!)

Granted I wouldn't expect the CCS to divert 2/3 of all their annual spending to one drug test, but you know the UK/US and other countries have these societies as well... maybe pool in?

HELL NO!!! A cure for cancer would negate their existence (and their pensions). I'm not knocking pensions, btw, but it indicates these charities are just set up for the employment benefits.

Update: here's the UK cancer society: This shows they raise about 300MMlbs by charity and spend about the same by giving away half of it (see page 23), shown here. Not a small amount of graft. Literally, they say, we funded about 180MM lbs of research, and it cost us 300MM lbs to do it.

Just pointing out, the "charitable" and "non-profit" organizations of the G7 combined could easily fund testing of a drug to eradicate a deadly disease... but then why would they?

Have a look at this and tell me you don't want to grab an ak47

I lossed family members.

And its ALL about the money with zero regard for human care

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
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Just watch the link I included on my first post. It'll show how difficult this field is in terms of wanting to find a cure. Their treatments that are favorable are radiation and chemo. One doctor from the UK (I think its the 2nd film they released:, he was secretly voice recorded and didn't want to help a patient who wanted to go get help from this clinic in Texas. Some doc's are also jealous or have their fingers in the corruption pool by the looks of it.
There's a bit too much conspiracy theory stuff going around here. Is there a cure for cancer? Well, actually for some cancers there are pretty good cures (remission) but not all. Cancer isn't just one thing...there's multiple varieties.

Do drug companies hide the cure? Well, seeing as how a lot of research goes on in Universities and plenty of it is NOT funded by a drug company it's unlikely that anyone is hiding a cure. Add to that that a biotech company can operate on it's own and it would be massively lucrative for one of these companies to sell a cure, then again, this is just tin foil thinking.

Are charities big cons? Some are some aren't. Look at the figures that are usually available that tells you how much of each donation goes to research. That should help you. I've seen that documentary and yes, I do believe some charities are self serving organizations at some positions, but not all. I'm pretty sure the workers on the ground genuinely believe they are making a difference. The CEOs earning massive salaries though should take a look at themselves very carefully. I will not donate to any charity that has this kind of organization.

Then there's a separate issue, what about the money that goes towards research? I have worked in medical research and when it's done well it is a beneficial thing driven towards finding answers....but often the money will go into a pool of cash for a research group and this could be distributed more to projects that interest the researcher. If one of these projects is not cancer related...well you can see where this is going. The money serves more to boost the size of the research group and hence increase publications and standing for the researcher. They may well not care one jot about the research but are very happy to have the cash.

So, choose your charities very carefully. One of my big peeves is a charity that becomes uncharitable...that happened with breast cancer a while back when there was a massive feminist slant that took place and men with breast cancer were excluded from things. And yes, men can get breast cancer. My biggest peeve was that the cause got hijacked for another purpose.

i recently did the ride for dad. I was very impressed by how much of the cash collected went back into the local area for initiatives. Truly a grass roots type charity, the best kind.

As for the African save the children ones....I'm good with that as long as there's no missionary element. Some are just covers for "saving the heathens for Jesus".
There's a bit too much conspiracy theory stuff going around here. Is there a cure for cancer? Well, actually for some cancers there are pretty good cures (remission) but not all. Cancer isn't just one thing...there's multiple varieties.

Do drug companies hide the cure? Well, seeing as how a lot of research goes on in Universities and plenty of it is NOT funded by a drug company it's unlikely that anyone is hiding a cure. Add to that that a biotech company can operate on it's own and it would be massively lucrative for one of these companies to sell a cure, then again, this is just tin foil thinking.

Are charities big cons? Some are some aren't. Look at the figures that are usually available that tells you how much of each donation goes to research. That should help you. I've seen that documentary and yes, I do believe some charities are self serving organizations at some positions, but not all. I'm pretty sure the workers on the ground genuinely believe they are making a difference. The CEOs earning massive salaries though should take a look at themselves very carefully. I will not donate to any charity that has this kind of organization.

Then there's a separate issue, what about the money that goes towards research? I have worked in medical research and when it's done well it is a beneficial thing driven towards finding answers....but often the money will go into a pool of cash for a research group and this could be distributed more to projects that interest the researcher. If one of these projects is not cancer related...well you can see where this is going. The money serves more to boost the size of the research group and hence increase publications and standing for the researcher. They may well not care one jot about the research but are very happy to have the cash.

So, choose your charities very carefully. One of my big peeves is a charity that becomes uncharitable...that happened with breast cancer a while back when there was a massive feminist slant that took place and men with breast cancer were excluded from things. And yes, men can get breast cancer. My biggest peeve was that the cause got hijacked for another purpose.

i recently did the ride for dad. I was very impressed by how much of the cash collected went back into the local area for initiatives. Truly a grass roots type charity, the best kind.

As for the African save the children ones....I'm good with that as long as there's no missionary element. Some are just covers for "saving the heathens for Jesus".

What is a conspiracy theory?

These days it seems any theory that implies that a government or a company or an industry is doing something unethical, immoral, violent or has a hidden agenda For the purpose of gaining and keeping power and riches

Governments, companies and business men have been doing this for years... Centuries, since the dawn of time.. You think mankind one day in the last 20 years said.. "Hey lets not cheat or lie or kill or destroy for power money and control"

Why is this so hard to believe?
Or has mass media brain washes us so much that the mere thoughts of this is a conspiracy theory and one who believes in it is a looney..

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
The canadian revenue agency should try to be useful and audit some these so called 'charities'.

Oh wait they are already consorting with each other.

Things a good citizen must always question:

1. Government
2. Religion
3. Corporations
4. Financial institutions
5. Military
6. Education
7. And now, charities.. Thanks for the info guys.

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