Canadian National Anthem


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If you were going to sing it solo, would you practice?

How easy is it to screw up?
Josie Dye is the most annoying DJ/personality working in Toronto, and we have some annoying DJ/personality's in Toronto.

You could stick it in her fartbox and call it a day, but she could still talk. Start with a ball gag.
You could practice for years, know the anthem inside out, upside down and backwards, but if you're nervous in front of a crowd.. **** happens.
Man... that was hard.

Was this ever on the news?
You could practice for years, know the anthem inside out, upside down and backwards, but if you're nervous in front of a crowd.. **** happens.

Could just get a small tattoo on her wrist or forearm as backup: O, True, With, The, From, We, God, O, O
Or carry a cue card.

It made one of the sports channel's top ten lists.
Goes to show you you don't need much smarts to work in radio.
She had no time to use Google?
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I couldn't watch it... I was embarrassed for her...

Did she get it right after the second try? Haha

- Randy
It's Josie Dye FFS. What did you expect?
A damn disgrace. If she was representing her radio station at that game, she should be fired from her job.
Josie Dye is the most annoying DJ/personality working in Toronto, and we have some annoying DJ/personality's in Toronto.

You could stick it in her fartbox and call it a day, but she could still talk. Start with a ball gag.

Re: talk
Just have her give BJ

Re: annoying personalities
You probably haven't heard "Fearless Fred". A 5yr old on radio
You are surprised when talentless losers are famous in Canada?? Canadians revel in people with no talent who are average looking so it doesn't make them feel too bad about themseleves. Canadians follow the same rule as england in that respect. Check out some of the famous people over there who are mostly famous in Emgland only's a disaster
That was absolutely horrible. Good lord, she's on the radio so a few thousand people shouldn't bother her.
Slash completely bastardised the anthem on Saturday night at the Motocross show with his guitar
Where's Borat when you need him?

You are surprised when talentless losers are famous in Canada??

I rank Josie Dye right up (down?) there with Erica Ummmm.
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