Canadian Insecurity


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Every now and then I read a newspaper article about some world or american event, and the author writing it seems to bend himself/herself over backwards into a pretzel trying to explain how it might obscurely affects us, or why canada matters!

I also see this online on social media Canadians get all worked up about american politics going so far as to fighting tooth and nail trying to convince americans to vote for candidate x over y!

Playing acting american only to become a laughing stock when someone points out they're from Montreal or BC

I see this in politics as well, Trudeau trying to act Churchillian "leader of the free world" ever since trump got elected , now spending his days bribing countries for a UN security council seat

Canada seems to have a Napolean complex...
Are we really this insecure?
I like being the small boring not super important country on the map

we are that insecure
our self-worth is validated by what we think Americans think of us

those that were born here and never gone anywhere are unable to see it
our second favourite sport is snorting over our supposed superioity to them
"Hey Mr. Bigshot 'Merican! That guy there, that you just called a Superstar, well eh, he's Canadian, eh."
I have to say yes but I think this is for two reasons.

The first is the major one. USA is a global superpower second only to China (though some would argue China's already beaten USA.) This makes the USA a leader, and leaders have followers. I'd say most of us are pretty appalled by the US being corrupt as ****, making their politics more ridiculous than South Park, and the fact the USA really does give off the attitude of "if you aren't rich, you are expendable."

Canada is inferior to the US on a monetary level without a question. So as a result, those who value money tend to put USA on a pedestal for their policies and corruption. Yet we think we're morally superior to them due to less atrocities (until you look at what we did to First Nations...and the dumb racist fucks who named them "Native Indians" and decided to teach us that during elementary and high school) so we tend to exhibit a "holier than thou" attitude.

...and then you have ******** like me. I'll invest $ into US stocks fully knowing that they will continue to create policies that treat people like cattle. I'm also convinced that Trump will get reelected because US citizens are too ******* stupid to realize what's going on...and this will help my stock growth >=)
I have to say yes but I think this is for two reasons.

The first is the major one. USA is a global superpower second only to China (though some would argue China's already beaten USA.) This makes the USA a leader, and leaders have followers. I'd say most of us are pretty appalled by the US being corrupt as ****, making their politics more ridiculous than South Park, and the fact the USA really does give off the attitude of "if you aren't rich, you are expendable."
The US has the largest economy, its currency is the global standard and its military might is second to none.
If you think corruption is only a US thing then I have news for you. Corruption is a worldwide problem, humans are corrupt. China and many other places are just as bad if not worse than the US. The 1% of China, many of whom have become wealthy in the last few decades exploited their own people. Canada isnt perfect but we are morally far above China and I would argue the US is too.
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The US has the largest economy, its currency is the global standard and its military might is second to none.
If you think corruption is only a US thing then I have news for you. Corruption is a worldwide problem, humans are corrupt. China and many other places are just as bad if not worse than the US. The 1% of China, many of whom have become wealthy in the last few decades exploited their own people. I could go on, point is corruption exists everywhere, the US just has the power to back it up.

Do you think Canada and the US are the only places who mistreated "natives" throughout history? It happened everywhere. In many places they were wiped out completely. That is the nature of what the world once was. The natives were not these innocent people you make them out to be. They were warring and wiping each other out long before the white man came here.
Think China's past is any better? Look at how they currently treat non-native Chinese, muslims etc. Look at their social credit system. People who criticize the CPC end up being arrested or disappear.

Bro, what the **** lol

Why are you replying back as if I made a personal attack or am thinking I'm morally superior? That's a Western thing, I strive to be as neutral as possible due to growing up thinking Western ideologies were superior to Eastern, only to realize both are **** in their own ways.

Being of Taiwanese decent implies I'm very well versed in how the CPC works; hell if I go to China and say I'm from Taiwan I might just disappear. I'm also very well aware of **** that's happened throughout history, from the crusades, to the **** that happened between India and Bangladesh, to the whole Europeans/Americans holding a bible in one hand and a gun in the other forcing their values down Asia (India, Japan, Korea, etc. etc.)

If my post invoked some defensive emotions from you then I'm glad it did, but you might want to let go of your Western values and fully accept that, as you said, "humans are corrupt." I can take a stab at every culture; it just so happens that this topic is focused on USA and Canada.
I didnt take it as a personal attack, my apologies if it came of like that.

Heh no worries. I think mine came off too strong too. And for the record @bigpoppa I take pride in being "small and boring and not important." It's easier to benefit off the drama going on around the world and not end up with a target painted on our backs this way.

....fingers crossed USA doesn't decide to just roll over our border though.
One of the biggest problems in Canada is the lazy Canadian news media who buy cheap American stories off the newswire rather than hiring enough reporters cover Canadian stories. CTV is one of the biggest offenders. Half their national news stories are out of the U.S. that nobody in Canada would ever hear about or care about.

Ad revenue is the big culprit here. As long as Rogers broadcasts US networks complete with U.S. advertising, those advertisers won't use Canadian networks. That leaves Canadian networks with little national advertising and mostly local ads. It's why Canadian networks have never really been able to create Canadian TV shows because they don't have the money.
One of the biggest problems in Canada is the lazy Canadian news media who buy cheap American stories off the newswire rather than hiring enough reporters cover Canadian stories. CTV is one of the biggest offenders. Half their national news stories are out of the U.S. that nobody in Canada would ever hear about or care about.

Ad revenue is the big culprit here. As long as Rogers broadcasts US networks complete with U.S. advertising, those advertisers won't use Canadian networks. That leaves Canadian networks with little national advertising and mostly local ads. It's why Canadian networks have never really been able to create Canadian TV shows because they don't have the money.

The keep the US stories going . So they can deflect from the idiots running this country . Remember " Orange Man Bad " .
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