Not mechanically inclined so I just want a guesstimate as to what might of happened tonight.
2005 Kawi 636 got it with 28000km
rode it for 3000km and got an oil change done. Put another 5000km and this happened....
I consider myself a good rider (had chicken strips gone after two weeks and its my first bike) but as for wheelies ive fallen way to many times on my dirt bike that im scared and i guess since i fell so many times also not very good at wheelies lol... So I was Riding it pretty hard, practicing first gear power wheelies just to get the bike up a bit so this was definitely giving the bike some beating.
then I was just cruising and noticed lack of power and when I let off the bike was engine braking very hard (or slowing down fast just by letting off gas) So I clutched it and let it cruise and it shut off, I found neutral while on the clutch and tried to start it again (still rolling at like 50-60)... When it started I heard what I would describe as jackhammering or piston slapping.
Wondering what I broke (oil was very very low as I neglected to check recently and only did 2 weeks ago). I figure its bottom end but not too sure on specifics. No hole in the motor and if I wanted to I could probably start it.
What are my options? Should I fix it? (How much)?
should I make it better in some way like forged pistons? Also how much again?
should I try to find a new motor and just swap it? Also how much should I be paying for something like that?
not a very happy first post
2005 Kawi 636 got it with 28000km
rode it for 3000km and got an oil change done. Put another 5000km and this happened....
I consider myself a good rider (had chicken strips gone after two weeks and its my first bike) but as for wheelies ive fallen way to many times on my dirt bike that im scared and i guess since i fell so many times also not very good at wheelies lol... So I was Riding it pretty hard, practicing first gear power wheelies just to get the bike up a bit so this was definitely giving the bike some beating.
then I was just cruising and noticed lack of power and when I let off the bike was engine braking very hard (or slowing down fast just by letting off gas) So I clutched it and let it cruise and it shut off, I found neutral while on the clutch and tried to start it again (still rolling at like 50-60)... When it started I heard what I would describe as jackhammering or piston slapping.
Wondering what I broke (oil was very very low as I neglected to check recently and only did 2 weeks ago). I figure its bottom end but not too sure on specifics. No hole in the motor and if I wanted to I could probably start it.
What are my options? Should I fix it? (How much)?
should I make it better in some way like forged pistons? Also how much again?
should I try to find a new motor and just swap it? Also how much should I be paying for something like that?
not a very happy first post