can i use a sealed battery to replace a lead/acid?


Active member
sorry if this is has been asked. i did a quick search and found nothing.

my lead acid battery is dead. gs500. CB10L-B2.

Can I get a nice new sealed battery to replace it? Is there any reason that a general use powersports battery would be bad?

Sure, as long as the battery you have in mind has adequate capacity, go ahead. I've got a sealed AGM motorcycle battery waiting to go into mine, maybe at the end of the season, maybe before if the bike should be down for other service before then.

follow up question...again sorry if it was asked.

how do i check my charging system? with the bike running, should the voltage across my battery be 14V?
at idle? at 3000rpm? ...?

follow up question...again sorry if it was asked.

how do i check my charging system? with the bike running, should the voltage across my battery be 14V?
at idle? at 3000rpm? ...?

With the bike running, voltage across battery should be somewhere around 13.5 to 14.5 volts at a fast idle.
you need to check the stator for a/c out put. then check the reg/rec for failure. at the battery the voltage should not exceed 14.5 volts at any rpm.
What's the model number of the sealed battery you're installing?
Reason is that I'm in the process of replacing my battery and could not find one specific for the GS500.

Plus here's a link to how to for the GS 500 I found on another forum:

Haven't had a chance to go thru in it's entirety yet, but hope it helps.

I've been around for a while. good site, but navigation is terrible.
the new battery was going to be a motomaster eliminator powersports battery. whatever size would fit in my bike!
I did get a replacement battery for the GS direct from suzuki for about 75$ last time. The FB-10L-B2 or something like that. I just called parts dept at suzuki and asked for the battery for my bike. it works and is about as cheap as you can find elsewhere.
... replacement battery for the GS direct from suzuki for about 75$ last time...

That was a good price...they want ~$120 for one nowadays...found one for as low as $41. Ended up getting one closer to me for $60.
When you do get the sealed one figured out, please post/PM part#, would be nice to have a reference for the future. Thanks.
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