I have never been to the track, just got myself a supermoto bike and would love to take it to a track, a tight one preferably.
Just wondering is there a calendar
That list all upcoming trackdays and the tracks?
Is full leathers mandatory?
Safety wire mandatory?
Water in radiators mandatory?
Can I take my supermoto to any trackday and run around with sport bikes?
Anything else I need to know to have a sucsesfull day?
What's the earliest track day comming up?!?
Just wondering is there a calendar
That list all upcoming trackdays and the tracks?
Is full leathers mandatory?
Safety wire mandatory?
Water in radiators mandatory?
Can I take my supermoto to any trackday and run around with sport bikes?
Anything else I need to know to have a sucsesfull day?
What's the earliest track day comming up?!?