Calling all K's: A big hello from College and Duffern


New member
Calling all K's: A big hello from Tdot

Hey gang,

Everyone keeps pointing me in the direction of this forum, I seem to be everywhere else BMW related but nowhere directly related to my own city. Figured I'd reach out to see who else is here, maybe meet some new BMW owners, riders, hear some great stories, share some of my own and keep in touch.

Owned dirt bikes for most of my youth and explored the great outdoors of the Kawarthas/Haliburton on old snowmobile trails, abandoned railway lines on my Yammy and Honda CR, solo for about 15 years. Let's just say I saw a lot of Black Bears. Then graduated to 75 KE125 enduro strictly trails which is now parked never licensed. And last spring bought and licensed my 92K100RS and have been in love with the K Brick ever since.

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Re: Calling all K's: A big hello from Tdot

K rider here as well, in the Lawrence and Leslie area. Welcome and enjoy the forum. Check out BMW owners movement under General Motorcycle discussion.
Re: Calling all K's: A big hello from Tdot

Welcome!! enjoy and ride safe...
Re: Calling all K's: A big hello from Tdot

Welcome. Nice Bike!
Re: Calling all K's: A big hello from Tdot

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