Calgary Motorcycle Troll

He needs to chill out a bit.

edit: Snowcat is a d**** on the r6 forum too.
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Approx 1:40. "Hey! Hes jaywalking! I'm going to start speeding up towards him cause I have the right of way!" cause you know... Just cause its illegal, people deserve to intentionally get run over for doing it.......
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repost from romper. He got charged with careless because of the video.

Other than having a self righteous attitude problem he rides quite well for a litre bike in the city.

I actually like some of his videos.
Someone's ought to drop him for being a ******* moron. He'll learn a valuable lesson:

Never go Mano a Mano with a 2 ton moving object.

Jerks like this are the reason drivers hate riders.
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