CAA travel insurance?


Well-known member
Looking at getting some CAA travel insurance for a trip I am doing in a couple of weeks through the states. The price is so low, that its almost foolish not to take the precaution incase something does happen and I need a hospital visit while south of the border.

Anyways, I am getting a big confused by the website when I am trying to sign up for it. It asks me my destination. Now I am passing through the states to New Brunswick, so New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, etc. I put in New York to just get an idea of the price and see what came up next in the sign up steps, but nothing else really comes out in regards to this. Does CAA travel insurance cover me all over the states, or only the selected "destination" state I put in?
Just call in to buy it, that's what I did when I went to Florida. Ended up being about $20/week.

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Call in or if you have a local store near you, stop in and they'll take care of you. Not to mention free maps if you're a member :D
I used to use CAA medical insurance all the time when I went to the states. Called in and told them how long I was going for, insurance was ~$20/week. I've never had a claim with them, so I can't comment on how they are when things go wrong.
I get a years coverage for $100 because I cross quite a few times, never made a claim.
I had a $800 claim once (medical) when I was in the states and it worked out fine with CAA insurance.
CAA medical treated me pretty well when I broke my arm in the states. Total claim ended up being about $5-6k if I remember right. Wrote up a review in the reviews section with more details.
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