buying helmet online |

buying helmet online


Well-known member
hey all,

just wanted to know if anyone could share their experience buying a helmet online, in regards to shipping and packaging.
I'm not concerned about the fit or which size to get, as I already have a helmet from this manufacturer...and I'm very comfortable with it.(fitted and bought from a local store)

my concern is how the helmet will be shipped...there is no padding/styrofoam/bubblewrap at all in the boxes, when you buy them new.
the helmets just sit in the box...(I'm pretty sure, all helmets come like this)

so you can imagine, all the throwing around and bouncing from shipping would really jostle the helmet around, even more so since there is no padding/styrofoam/bubblewrap.
I know we shouldn't wear a helmet after it's been dropped, and obviously no one wants to buy a brand new helmet that has been knocked around.

I'm thinking, having the helmet wrapped in bubblewrap before shipping should suffice, perhaps ask the seller to attach those Shockwatch impact indicators.
so at least, I'd know if the helmet was dropped.

BTW, I understand that places like GP and Royal probably have hundreds of helmets shipped in on skids...and they're bumped around a bit in transit (over seas to trailer to store)
but, I don't think a skid would get knocked around as much as a single box.

well, any input would be helpful...thanks

Out of curiosity, I know that Shoei has a program to have their helmets inspected after an impact...assuming the helmet passes their inspection...
how would anyone know if the helmet was dropped or impacted afterwards, when it is shipped back to them?... wonder if Shoei has any special packaging?
I purchased all my helmets online (no particular reason why).
First I got 2 of them and next season I got another one.
The first two came in oversized box full of bubble wrap and styrofoam beans....lots of protection.
The third one came together with riding pants and it was actually wrapped in those pants with lots of those styrofoam beans.
I can honestly say that they did very good job in protecting those helmets from any bumps etc.
Yet better question > What happens when you make two sequential contacts with the ground, where your helmet has absorbed an impact with the first ?

Helmets do not have magical structures, and they are definitely not brought here from Japan in laps of people on airplanes.
Yet better question > What happens when you make two sequential contacts with the ground, where your helmet has absorbed an impact with the first ?

Helmets do not have magical structures, and they are definitely not brought here from Japan in laps of people on airplanes.

You're right.

They're likely brought over here strapped together by the hundreds in shipping containers and on-loaded/off-loaded onto pallets - never of which seeing any significant impact loads, because almost EVERYTHING you every buy will have arrived here like this.

There's a big difference between a pallet of helmets being loaded via fork-lift, and one helmet being thrown (tossed) onto a conveyor belt loading a freight plane or delivery truck.

Reputable retailers will package the helmet well.
i bought my scorpion from motorcycle superstore, they shipped it in the retail box (helmet was in it's protective bag) along with a spare shield and the aero skirt in the box. I think you'll be fine shipping it with any major carrier. As long as the box isn't beat to hell, then the contents should be fine, and if it is, make sure to do a thorough inspection of the item before you sign for it.
My helmet was in its original box.

The original box was in another box that had 'air bags' in them all around.

I'm pretty sure it was safe. Ordered it from... canadas motorcycle :)
Had mine shipped from to CBI USA. The helmet and spare visor was in the OEM box with some foam liners. The helmet box was packaged in a larger box with the air bags.
If you're really that paranoid, buy one in the store and not online.

^WOW, thanks for the wonderful insight! never occurred to me to walk into a store and buy....what a brilliant idea!
BTW, it's not paranoia...just concerned...haven't you ever been concerned? ever?

for you guys that shared your experience, thank you very much...I'll be sure to ask the seller about double boxing with air bags before buying.
^WOW, thanks for the wonderful insight! never occurred to me to walk into a store and buy....what a brilliant idea!
BTW, it's not paranoia...just concerned...haven't you ever been concerned? ever?

for you guys that shared your experience, thank you very much...I'll be sure to ask the seller about double boxing with air bags before buying.

Not trying to be a dick but what do you want to hear? Warm fuzzy stories about buying half a dozen helmets online and having them shipped to me?
Not trying to be a dick but what do you want to hear?

I posted a thread for those to share their experience...(which some very kindly did)
but you advised nothing...and instead state the obvious with a higher than thou attitude.

it appears, to you a question/concern equates to paranoia.
where in my ONE post on the matter, indicate that I was paranoid?

1.)I've never bought a helmet online.
2.)I know the retail boxes do not have padding.
3.)I don't presume to be a know it all.
4.)so I asked if people with knowledge on the matter could share their experience.

Not trying to be a dick but what do you want to hear? Warm fuzzy stories about buying half a dozen helmets online and having them shipped to me?

I wanted to hear helpful responses, such as from kmalek, kamikaze, LePhillou, bskin (thanks again)
they shared their i know what to expect/request from the seller when shipping a helmet.

you say you're not trying to be a dick...fair enough....but you respond with "Warm fuzzy stories..."

is that what you think people with genuine questions want to hear? some happily-ever-after answer to make them feel good.

your responses portray yourself as some authoritative know it all...and those with questions are silly children.......get over yourself.
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personally, I want to buy mine from the assembly line, where it hasn't had a chance to get dropped by some store clerk who doesn't want to get in trouble so they say nothing and that's why I'm in a vegetative state instead of recovering at home with a concussion.

But alas, I can't, so I just inspect them when I get them and check to make sure there are no deformities in the paint or the clear coat, and if there are I investigate further (Last few times I bought a helmet had access to the density scanners in school so I just popped them in there and looked for any compression in the helmet shell, too bad I graduated...)

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