Buying a helmet |

Buying a helmet


Well-known member
When is the best time to buy a helmet and why? Summer time prices are at it's highest, fall they're low, but you're storing it for 4-5 months (should get a new one every 2-3 years?), and I'm not sure about spring.

What have you all done in the past?
When is the best time to buy a helmet and why? Summer time prices are at it's highest, fall they're low, but you're storing it for 4-5 months (should get a new one every 2-3 years?), and I'm not sure about spring.

What have you all done in the past? the dead of winter, online, (insert your chosen vendor).
If you're based in the GTA definitely check out the annual Motorcycle show at the International Centre. Many deals to be found if you look around and can even talk down the price at some spots.
In January or February. Snell approved helmets are good for 10 years, so if you are on a budget you can buy an older helmet just don't compromise snug fitment to save money. Look for the type of helmet you want (Half helmet, Moto/Mask, Full Face or Modular then look for the sizing based on the brand like THH to Arai (cheap pricey) and look for something online that has similar dimensions in the same brand. Should avoid anything more than 5 years old, make sure if damaged that its just scratches or imperfections in the clear coat and not cracked, Also be sure it has the chinstrap attachment.

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