Buying a bike from a used dealership


Well-known member
Do you have to insure the bike before it leaves the lot (if they deliver it to my house) because I found a great deal at a dealership BUT I was planning on letting it sit in my garage for the winter until I turn 20 before I start to ride it. Would they let me buy it off them without proof of insurance or is there no way around this.

Also, 8600 km's for a Ninja 300 isnt too too much is it?
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You won't be able to get plates without insurance and the safety (if it comes with one) is only valid for 36 days which means you'll have to get it safetied again when you do want to register it. But to answer your question, yes you can buy it without insurance.

Regarding mileage, no, that's nothing, for just about any bike.
Winter insurance is cheap.

You don't need insurance to buy the bike. You would transfer the bike into your name unplated (therefore no insurance is required). In the spring you would get insurance and a license plate.

8600 km is fine, the bike should be good for at least 70,000 (lifetime depends much more on the level of care it sees than the number of km's racked up).
Thanks for the responses guys. Perhaps I'll get TD or DesJardins insurance if I want to. Definitely don't want to go through the process of plating and re-safetying by myself.
Thanks for the responses guys. Perhaps I'll get TD or DesJardins insurance if I want to. Definitely don't want to go through the process of plating and re-safetying by myself.

Good luck with that. I suggest you go on the insurance forum. I can almost guarantee TD and or DesJardins will give you something ridonkulous. Try StateFarm or other recommended brokers.
Good luck with that. I suggest you go on the insurance forum. I can almost guarantee TD and or DesJardins will give you something ridonkulous. Try StateFarm or other recommended brokers.

I almost guarantee that's a no go with statefarm, you need 5 years driving experience.
Yes, you get the ownership transferred to you as fit-unplated. this means it's safe for the road, but you don't have plates on it, but you legally own it. then when you want to ride (in the spring i presume), you get it insured and go to the licence office (service ontario, NOT a drive test centre) and get it switched to fit-plated status, and pay the licence fee.
Good luck with that. I suggest you go on the insurance forum. I can almost guarantee TD and or DesJardins will give you something ridonkulous. Try StateFarm or other recommended brokers.

I'm 19, where ever I go is going to be ridonkulous and it will all be the same as well.
If you finance the bike, it must be insured at all times and you must have comprehensive coverage.
No, their quotes will vary quite a bit between different companies.

Except I've called around a plethera of times and even though they vary they are still high because of my age ie: Ridonkulous. This isn't the topic, however.

Thank you for all those who have responded.
Yes, you get the ownership transferred to you as fit-unplated. this means it's safe for the road, but you don't have plates on it, but you legally own it. then when you want to ride (in the spring i presume), you get it insured and go to the licence office (service ontario, NOT a drive test centre) and get it switched to fit-plated status, and pay the licence fee.
In this case I am pretty sure you would have to re-safety it. As you need the safety to get your plates which would be long expired
Off topic question: Can a UVIP be produced by a service ontario in a day? Say if I walk into the service ontario and ask for a UVIP, assuming I have all the information of my vehicle ready to go can they print it out for me the same day?
In this case I am pretty sure you would have to re-safety it. As you need the safety to get your plates which would be long expired

No, you don't. The safety is for registering the vehicle in your name, not plates.

As already said, the bike would be FIT-UNPLATED

When you go back with proof of ins. you get the plates & stickers & a new ownership with FIT-PLATED.

If you have no safety and no insurance you get an ownership with UNFIT-UNPLATED.

As already stated if the bike is finance in anyway you require full coverage from the get go.

@ BOOTS - the UVIP info is all in the computer, it is a simple print out you get right away when you go into the service Ontario office.
Thank you for the clarification tat2. And what exactly do the registration papers look like seeing as I might have to buy a used vehicle and dont know what the registration transfer papers look like.

Sorry for all the questions, it's been a hectic couple of days for me. I went from going to buy a bike from a used dealer to going to a person to buy a bike.
Thank you for the clarification tat2. And what exactly do the registration papers look like seeing as I might have to buy a used vehicle and dont know what the registration transfer papers look like.

Sorry for all the questions, it's been a hectic couple of days for me. I went from going to buy a bike from a used dealer to going to a person to buy a bike.

If the bike is being sold certified i.e. "fit" then the seller will provide you a safety certificate that is signed by the mechanic that inspected the bike. The seller will also sign the vehicle portion of the ownership and give that to you. The seller will keep the plate portion. The seller will also write a bill of sale stating the amount you "paid" for the bike.

You then take the bill of sale, the safety cert, and the signed ownership to a licensing office and pay tax based on the sale amount, and if you have insurance you will also pay for plates/sticker. The licensing office will then print a new ownership for you with your name on it and your plate on the plate portion (if plated).
Ah okie. The bike I'm getting doesn't have a safety cert. I guess I'll just register it under my name as unfit and unplated and then when it comes time for the next season I'll get it safetied, insured and fully registered as a fit-plated bike.
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