Buy your way out of Jail... |

Buy your way out of Jail...


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Wow that is messed up. Especially when you read his past record. How long till he re-offends?
Do you mean to tell me that people with a lot of money get more favourable treatment in the judicial system than people who don't have a lot of money?

Say it ain't so!
Do you mean to tell me that people with a lot of money get more favourable treatment in the judicial system than people who don't have a lot of money?

Say it ain't so!

No one is shocked that it happens I think the shock comes from how blatant it was handled in this situation.
No one is shocked that it happens I think the shock comes from how blatant it was handled in this situation.

I know.

My shock is how people accept it as long as it's packaged nicely. As soon as it's too "blatant", people get upset. So, it's ok that it's true, it's just very upsetting when it's obvious.
I know.

My shock is how people accept it as long as it's packaged nicely. As soon as it's too "blatant", people get upset. So, it's ok that it's true, it's just very upsetting when it's obvious.

I don't think people accept it I think people are very disgusted but unless you are rich or are a lawyer with time on your hand there is nothing anyone can do about it. Money = Justice it has been this way since the dawn of a monetary system and the average person doesn't have the money or time to really make a difference.
Came across this story the other day... I think it's disgusting and despite the cynics, I was still shocked by it. :sad3:
Came across this story the other day... I think it's disgusting and despite the cynics, I was still shocked by it. :sad3:

Shocked? Such house arrest sentences are rather common for those who kill while behind the wheel in Ontario, and that's true regardless of whether you voluntarily pled guilty or not, regardless of your socio-economic status, and also regardless of whether you paid off your victim's family or not.
Shocked? Such house arrest sentences are rather common for those who kill while behind the wheel in Ontario, and that's true regardless of whether you voluntarily pled guilty or not, regardless of your socio-economic status, and also regardless of whether you paid off your victim's family or not.
Yes, shocked. Up until recently you could get simple house arrest for raping children in Ontario too (even when a guilty plea's been entered)....doesn't make it any less shocking that it's considered the 'norm' in sentencing.
I know.

My shock is how people accept it as long as it's packaged nicely. As soon as it's too "blatant", people get upset. So, it's ok that it's true, it's just very upsetting when it's obvious.

+1 this was me. I know it happens to varying degrees. This was just absolutely blatant

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