Buell1190rx | GTAMotorcycle.com


The guy's a design genius, but his styling has never impressed me. He seems to have gotten it right this time around.

Beautiful machine.
It's pretty typical for $19K sport bikes, nothing really different, but some aspects are lacking.
"These United States aren't known so much for manufacturing sport bikes." They still aren't, almost every part on that bike is made somewhere else.

Styling is unremarkable. The rear lights and plate holder are poorly implemented. The only different aspect is the aluminum frame/gas tank. It's basically a slightly different 2008 1125R -except he replaced the drive belt with a chain drive (after telling everyone for years how belts were superior). The frame and brakes are the same. He's actually gone to a conventional exhaust, not under-frame,

I don't see any mention of the electronics, or if there are any. You would expect that at this price. As for the 185 hp claim...well, Buell has had a spotty history on horsepower claims.
-except he replaced the drive belt with a chain drive (after telling everyone for years how belts were superior).

Every drive system has its advantages and disadvantages. He ran chains on his race bikes. Belt is great for certain uses but maybe not so much when requiring easy gearing changes or higher hp applications. The man can do what he wants. Heck, he's probably accomplished more in the last month than you in your whole life. Ya, we get it, you think he's a dunce. I wonder what forum Erik Buell is mouthing off on?
Cafegay is quite remarkable in his critique.....I hang on every word...look out Erik Buell. Wonder which bike would pass the Caferay scrutiny test? Not American... we get that.
This thread is going places

Legalize lane splitting! While you're at it legalize all self entitled behaviour on Ontario roads. Screw everybody!

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