Buell Baja DR

They get to pretty insane speeds on the Baja but I wonder about fuel consumption ...not sure how that works on the Baja
Can't tell if that front cowl is just radiator or also fuel space.
Screen Shot 2022-03-08 at Mar, 8    2022    3.01.43 PM.jpg
Likely fuel in the frame - like other Buells.
no its got a trellis frame. completely different from your regular buells, no perimeter disc brake either.
Likely fuel in the frame - like other Buells.
Looks like a tubular frame to me, so range might be an issue with that approach.

Interesting looking bike, though unlikely to be of much serious interest for your typical dirt rider. Based on the exhaust routing, looks like it uses the same motor, so this could be a 175 hp sand monster. Explains the extended swingarm and adjustable axle slots, as that kind of power could be fun for hill climbs. Not ideal for the local MX track or trail riding, but great hammering dunes in Baja...

EDIT: @killvino beat me to it...
I too was thinking that's a funny spot for a pipe on a dirtbike.
Provided that it has a monster motor it would be a blast in the dunes or on fire roads not so much fun in tight woods tho with that wheelbase and slack geometry.
66 to 70 inch wheelbase
Pretty useless for anything but hillclimb... or cruisin' in Florida

you forgot timmies.

buy this bike and you'd be a shoe-in for their new commercial.
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