Here's the story. Person buys new bike for son as 19th B-day gift back in 2011. Son almost makes it around the block. Bike tips over as turning left into driveway at 2 mph. Cracks nose fairing, bends shift lever. Dad puts it in back of garage for 3.5 years. Finally brought in here for repairs end of Feb 2015. Gets brand new fairing from Kawasaki, shift lever, new battery (old one toast), carbs cleaned with new pilot jets (old ones plugged), oil/filter changed (in case of condensation). Owner notified 01 April 2015 (and many times after) bike ready for pickup. Bike still here. I have done all the paperwork and have the "green light" to sell it. Have not done a service Ontario lien search but would not surprise me if there is one. It's the only reason I can think of to abandon a new bike. It only has 10 km on it!!!!!! A perfect parts/track bike, everything is new! Tires still have the nibs on them. Or move a VIN tag from another (damaged) bike but I can not condone that...........................!!! BTW, it's the ebony black. Will try to check my PMs daily.
Bike now tentatively sold. Appreciate all the interest.
Bike now tentatively sold. Appreciate all the interest.
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