brampton student rant....


Well-known member
its funny how she talks like she's black though... especially with the sucking teeth..

I wouldn't wanna live in Brampton either. But then I'd hate to live in Markham too. :lol:
...and I didn't hear a word she said - I was mesmerized by her eyebrows...holy pencil skills.
This is a funny twist on her video.

LOL, that's a great rebuttal.

Edit: And for the record I love curry.
All kids are black these days
Lol that girl is hella racist. I'm from Brampton and yes there is lots of Indian but who cares. If it bothered me that much I would just move problem solved.
Wow... just when you think kids cant get any dumber! On a plus side those eyebrows and facial expressions are amazing!!! lmao
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