Brakes - whats required


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I have a 12 second bike with non functioning rear brakes. Can I remove them completely and just rely on the front or would that cause trouble at tech inspection or sanctioning body rules? Before anyone starts flaming let's remember that I'm only reaching the ton (OK 105 to be exact) so I can pretty much slow it down with the tranny alone and still make the turn onto the return road.

So far I've been doing test and tune at a certain SWO track and the tech inspection has been almost non existent.
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Lots of reasons
Weight - if I don't need them then I could save some weight by removing them
Money - likely need a brake rebuild kit if not a new piston
Laziness - rather be doing something other than fixing brakes
Brakes are mandatory.If you get caught trying to get on the track without them you'll be denied access.They are not there for just your safety you know.
Brakes are manatory - That makes sense, but how many brakes? As stated my front brakes work fine. Most rail type dragsters have no front brakes, so again my question would be do I need both front and rear?
I would check a NHRA or IHRA rule book for the answer

Good call. From what I could see when reading through the NHRA book you need anchors at both ends. Oh goodie fixin brakes.....
regardless, you'd hate to find out your brake system has a problem at the end of the run. Unlikely but.... safety first. Weigh the cost vs. consequence in the worst case scenario.
Want to race but too lazy to fix the brakes that could save your ***. Wtf. Buy a cheap master off eBay for $40, clean up the rear caliper, bleed the system, and wash your hands. That's an hours worth of work.
On the front, do they not have rear brakes?

Many don't. Mine does have a rear and I won't pull it. He asked if he would have trouble at tech, just answering that. The intensity of tech tends to vary significantly based on the impression the rider makes.
Want to race but too lazy to fix the brakes that could save your ***. Wtf. Buy a cheap master off eBay for $40, clean up the rear caliper, bleed the system, and wash your hands. That's an hours worth of work.

Wow dude you're making a lot of assumptions. My best yet was 105mph. I could slow down from that speed using just the tranny alone and have no problem making the turn onto the return road.

Thanks turbogpz but from what I read you need stoppies front and back.
Wow dude you're making a lot of assumptions. My best yet was 105mph. I could slow down from that speed using just the tranny alone and have no problem making the turn onto the return road.

Thanks turbogpz but from what I read you need stoppies front and back.
When you're done with the brakes, maybe mount a GPS so you don't get lost near the return road. Nothing worse than being lost.

Sent from my Le Pan TC802A using Tapatalk
When you're done with the brakes, maybe mount a GPS so you don't get lost near the return road. Nothing worse than being lost.

Sent from my Le Pan TC802A using Tapatalk

Apparently I need 3 gps's a phone, a back up phone, a spare back up phone, CAA and truckload of bubble wrap. That keeps the big nasty world at bay.
sent from my steam powered computer using semaphore
Apparently I need 3 gps's a phone, a back up phone, a spare back up phone, CAA and truckload of bubble wrap. That keeps the big nasty world at bay.
sent from my steam powered computer using semaphore
Don't forget a laptop, PC and a generator to power it all. Lol

Sent from my Le Pan TC802A using Tapatalk
Lots of reasons
Weight - if I don't need them then I could save some weight by removing them
Money - likely need a brake rebuild kit if not a new piston
Laziness - rather be doing something other than fixing brakes

Wow dude you're making a lot of assumptions. My best yet was 105mph. I could slow down from that speed using just the tranny alone and have no problem making the turn onto the return road.

Thanks turbogpz but from what I read you need stoppies front and back.

What did I assume? You said your too lazy to do a bit of work.

Party on.
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