Bought an American bike now i want to selling it |

Bought an American bike now i want to selling it


Well-known member
If I buy an imported American bike from Canadian dealer does the bike have to conform to Canadian standards.For example do they have to install a kickstand kill switch.Also if it's A privet sale does the seller need to have it done to pass safety.As you can guess I bought this bike from a dealer and now they dont want to safety as it is without the kickstand switch .Thanks
Tons of HDs come from the USA without a safety switch for the jiffy stand. Not sure what the deal is? There are requirements to register the bike in Ontario and they are listed in the sticky.

A lot depends on the Canadian Tire shop you take it to, to certify it's to Ontario RIV requirements. I've heard good and bad results. Some let things slide such as the speedo not having km/h. (again a HD issue) to proper reflectors and plate mounting.

edit: wait, is it already a registered bike in Ontario and now you're trying to get it safetied to sell again here in Ontario? Shouldn't be a problem if the bike didn't come stock with a kick stand safety switch. At least for the shops I use in my area.
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If it is already licensed in Ontario, then presumably it has already been certified as meeting our requirements. Of course a normal safety would have to be performed. If buying from a dealer then have the dealership do the transfer of ownership, so that they have to deal with whatever crap might arise. If a private sale make sure that the original owner currently has a valid Ontario ownership, then transfer as normal.

And run a quick inet check on the VIN, to see if the bike was posted as stolen in the US ;)

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