Bought a Dirt Bike, Need to Learn to Ride it


Well-known member
So I picked myself up an '03 RM125 in November.
I figured I'd try dirt riding this year. Thing is, I've never ridden in the dirt before.

Are there any courses you guys could recommend? I'd prefer to use my own bike as well.
Also wondering what the closest spots are around Kitchener.

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PM me, I have the next couple weeks off. If the weather gets the trails at Gopher Dunes dry enough I'll be up for taking you out and showing you the basics. I've introduced a few people to the sport.
The track is pretty traffic free on week days, but the deep sand is tricky and I think this weekend it will be packed.
I'm no "pro" but I've been riding since I was a kid and have a few years of racing under me. Helps just having someone to follow and see and hear how they go through different obstacles. And the track is right there to sink your teeth in to.
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