bought a bike a few months ago...already selling it


Well-known member
its definitely the WRONG time to sell it too and i'll probably list it again at the beginning of the next riding season.

but i'm having a bit of a hard time pricing it as i've never sold off a bike this quick before and don't have any other listings as reference.

is this too high/low? the only time i saw a used RE650 for sale on toronto kijiji they were selling for 10k (which i thought was too much).
Probably best to removed the first 2 sentences, and the 4th sentence. Or just see what happens if you are not to serious about selling it.
Interesting looking bike though.
is it giving you trouble or?
Beautiful bike. Out of my range but I like the look of that style. No clue how comfortable it is.

There’s still COVID pricing out there so no wrong time to sell this year.
is it giving you trouble or?

Running fine! I have limited garage space that fits exactly one bike and my car. My plan was to sell off my ducati scrambler but I think I talked myself out of it after putting a lot of custom $ into the bike.

There are things i definitely dont like about it (the weight, fuel gauge) and things i love (never had a better highway mileage bike than this) but overall one bike has to go.
Beautiful bike. Out of my range but I like the look of that style. No clue how comfortable it is.

There’s still COVID pricing out there so no wrong time to sell this year.

i basically bought it because of the style lol. it looks pretty damn good. its funny cause i used to take as much chrome off my previous bikes, and then i go ahead and get a fully chromed out one anyway.

comfort-wise its pretty decent. you're definitely leaning in a bit but the bars aren't as low as 'true' cafe racer or sports bikes. the seat is hard as **** but i got used to it.
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