
Sasha Fierce?

Poor kid's going to be haunted by people singing that Crazy Frog song her whole life.

And I thought I had it bad with people singing bad reditions of the Hollies tune to me.
Poor kid? I don't think anyone will make fun of her name growing up.

+1 all she will have to do is go "my dads jay-z who's yours?"

"He is one of the most financially successful hip hop artists and entrepreneurs in America, having a net worth of over $450 million as of 2010"
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Poor kid's going to be haunted by people singing that Crazy Frog song her whole life.

And I thought I had it bad with people singing bad reditions of the Hollies tune to me.

Oh please!
My name is Mina... lol nothing worst than being a guy with a girl's name.
Oh please!
My name is Mina... lol nothing worst than being a guy with a girl's name.

But that builds character. Didn't Johny Cash teach you anything?
Johnny Cash?... Who the *** is that?

"A Boy Named Sue" is a song written by Shel Silverstein and performed by Johnny Cash. Cash was at the height of his popularity when he recorded the song live at California's San Quentin State Prison at a concert on February 24, 1969


Unless you were kidding and you really knew,,,,,,about Johnny Cash and a boy named Sue...
relax ppl. I've watched "Walking the line"... jeeezzz...
That song "A boy named Sue" haven't heard it before, I'll check it out when my boss isn't around.
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