Blue Star Solar Energy.


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Does anyone have any knowledge of this company? The deal they seem to be offering seems to be too good to be true.

their website is

As my friend who just hired on with the company tells me the average production is worth $1000 to $2000 a month, payments are about $500 a month and it takes 6 years to pay it off.. (after that you own all equipment). I did a search for bluestar solar complaints and found nothing (i did find a couple complements for what appears to be a sister company in the usa). I do know solar panels have a half life and eventually degrade. poking through the site I see the panels have a 25 year warranty which i find reassuring.

While I trust my friend not to screw me over I realize it is often far to easy to get taken in on a product you sell and he just started there (think about any friend that's joined amway or primerica). while there is no pyramid scheme here i figure it's worth while to ask if anyone else has dealt with the company and what their experience is.
Every business is pyramidal in structure, or it will fail. Period.
As my friend who just hired on with the company tells me the average production is worth $1000 to $2000 a month, payments are about $500 a month and it takes 6 years to pay it off.. (after that you own all equipment). I did a search for bluestar solar complaints and found nothing (i did find a couple complements for what appears to be a sister company in the usa). I do know solar panels have a half life and eventually degrade. poking through the site I see the panels have a 25 year warranty which i find reassuring.

I'm pretty sure he is feeding you some sales BS whether he knows it or not.

As I believe the largest system you can use residentially is 10KW and that would run you about $80,000 to $100,000.
The return you get is I believe 80.2cents per KW/hr, I believe your return would be around $6,000 to $8,000 per year so it would be more anywhere in the area of 10-15 years to pay off.

After that you will make money as long as your roof doesnt need any repairs as you might have to take the whole system down to repair and the product doesn't crap out on you, As well as you need the perfect slope, angle, direction roof is facing and having nothing blocking the roof (tress, apartments etc) to get the full power from it as even a couple inches off the perfect angle can lose you thousand each year.

Plus you need some licenseing for producing hydro, I forget what you need exactly.
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How much power do these '10kw' systems actually produce during a sunny day? Avg per summer month? Avg per winter month? Annual average?

The numbers aren't hard to figure out for yourself, once you have an idea of how much power you'll actually be producing.
How much power do these '10kw' systems actually produce during a sunny day? Avg per summer month? Avg per winter month? Annual average?

The numbers aren't hard to figure out for yourself, once you have an idea of how much power you'll actually be producing.

"According to Natural Resources Canada, Toronto International Airport receives 3.67 Peak Sun Hours (kwh/m2/day) of solar irradiation on a horizontal surface. For surfaces tilted to latitude, this number increases to about 4.07 Peak Sun Hours per day"

Total system cost = $80,000 - $100,000

So average 4hrs x 30 days x 10KW x $0.802 = $962.4 per month Income

$90,000/$962.4 = just under 8 years to pay it off (If you pay $90,000 cash up front)

If you took a say 5% loan over 10 years you payments would be right about what you make.
Where are you getting the 80-100k system cost? Sounds bloody expensive. I would've figured solar panel systems for residential to be around 30-40 tops (just a number in my head for whatever reason)
Where are you getting the 80-100k system cost? Sounds bloody expensive. I would've figured solar panel systems for residential to be around 30-40 tops (just a number in my head for whatever reason)

I went to school for 3 years focusing on alternative energy and my buddy installs them for a living.
It sound expensive but when it makes you $200k, it doesn't sound that expensive anymore.

But like anything thta number will vary with how efficient you want them and extra time spent on installation as well as what type of panels you get.
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the numbers I have heard are ,, $7 / watt ... so a 100watt panel is $700 .. so enough panels to generate the 10kw is $70,000 ... then you need the installation frame, wiring, inverters , and approvals.
not all roofs can support 100 panels, so residential costs can be as low as $40,000 .. because they only have 40 panels ... some are only 20 panels ..
i think a panel is about 3' x 5' , so 10'x30' roof is about 20g's

As a reminder, the OPA strongly encourages microFIT applicants to speak to their local distribution company about connecting to the grid before proceeding with their project.
the numbers I have heard are ,, $7 / watt ... so a 100watt panel is $700 .. so enough panels to generate the 10kw is $70,000 ... then you need the installation frame, wiring, inverters , and approvals.
not all roofs can support 100 panels, so residential costs can be as low as $40,000 .. because they only have 40 panels ... some are only 20 panels ..
i think a panel is about 3' x 5' , so 10'x30' roof is about 20g's

As a reminder, the OPA strongly encourages microFIT applicants to speak to their local distribution company about connecting to the grid before proceeding with their project.

Also with the only 20 panels you are only making 2KW, So you will be making 1/5 of the money, So less then $200/month.
What about in the winter when you gotta clear the snow off your panels/roof. If I lived in California I'd entertain this. I am still looking for a house close to a river where I can install a water wheel.

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