Blown rocker roller


Well-known member
My intake roller lost it's bearings. It's not seized(thats what they usually do), it moves freely with a lot of play because of the missing bearings (wonder where those went).

The cam is mostly OK. The intake is slightly ground on the inner edge. Otherwise it's smooth. I wonder if I have to replace it...

The rocker has a scratch in it. It's not too deep. I wonder if I also have the to replace it.

How do I pull the rollers out of the rocker?

Better times...

I believe on the 690 you have to replace the whole rocker . I am guessing yr bike would be the same. I think whole rocker is about 70 bucks US. If you need help you may want to call orange motosports in Colbourge . They seem to know what they are doing. If you check out Under matufactures of supermoto bikes, there is a whole ktm section. Your issue seem is not uncommon even with wth newer 690 that I have.
SMJ has been very helpful. My engine blew because some tool forgot to lock the valve adjustment nuts on the intake valves. Both nuts came off. You can actually see one in the third picture to the right of the cam bearing. I bet thats what gouged my rocker and grinded my cam laterally.

I have a $383 order from the US that's shipping to Its's about $150 cheaper than local dealers. How much will I have to pay in taxes at the border?
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