Bill C51


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Anyone paying attention to this? pretty scary stuff, lots of secrecy stuff like the no fly list, you can be put on it, you can not find out why you are on it or if you're on it and you can't see the evidence the government has against you.

Doesn't take much to be be labeled a terrorist either, an anonymous tip to the police or CSIS and bamn you're having to prove your innocence. If the police think you're a terrorist they can arrest you without having any concrete proof, just a suspicion. They can hold you on suspicion indefinitely. Speaking out against the government could make you a terrorist. How many people on here have said something about the government?

It also makes CSIS into a police force, CSIS was created to be separate from the RCMP because the RCMP were abusing their spying powers. There is no provision for oversight.
The Natives are going to shoot it down.
Paying attention? Oh, yes. But I'm laying off political and religious discussions these days.

I'd like to make this point: While the government points to recent terrorist incidents in Canada as the reason for the need for Bill C-51, when asked by the media, the minister wouldn't or couldn't explain how the new powers that the Bill provides, could have prevented those incidents.
We're lagging behind Britain, Australia and New Zealand in this department. Citizens need tamping down here too.
Paying attention? Oh, yes. But I'm laying off political and religious discussions these days.

I'd like to make this point: While the government points to recent terrorist incidents in Canada as the reason for the need for Bill C-51, when asked by the media, the minister wouldn't or couldn't explain how the new powers that the Bill provides, could have prevented those incidents.

Sounds exactly like "gun control".........
I'm way against it. The police and intel agencies have enough power as it is. We don't have that big of a terrorist problem in Canada. C-51 allows far too much power and undermines our traditional democratic values under common law. Right to be considered innocent, habeas corpus, etc. I don't know what the hell Harper thinks he's doing but he'll get himself thrown out of office with this.
I'm way against it. The police and intel agencies have enough power as it is. We don't have that big of a terrorist problem in Canada. C-51 allows far too much power and undermines our traditional democratic values under common law. Right to be considered innocent, habeas corpus, etc. I don't know what the hell Harper thinks he's doing but he'll get himself thrown out of office with this.

Interesting... Time will tell. A lot of the rhetoric coming out of the Conservatives right now plays right to their base. The NDP will never run the country so that really leaves Trudeau who many like to discount as an intellectual lightweight. I think the Liberals were a wee bit hasty in giving Paul Martin his walking papers.
I don't know what the hell Harper thinks he's doing but he'll get himself thrown out of office with this.

The list of his "accomplishments" is so long that the panic mode is taking over ... they know they are done so they don't really care what most people think of it. The oil was the last nail in their coffin .... now he cannot even use the usual line ... "Look at the strong economy under our run".

Desperate times bring desperate measures.
The list of his "accomplishments" is so long that the panic mode is taking over ... they know they are done so they don't really care what most people think of it. The oil was the last nail in their coffin .... now he cannot even use the usual line ... "Look at the strong economy under our run".

Desperate times bring desperate measures.

the drop in oil prices is estimated to add an average of 1000 to Canadians pockets . The lower dollar is increasing exports and investment and making us more competitive, where is the economy problem you speak of?
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If I lived on another planet I would watch North American politics like the Brits watch Coronation Street AKA Copulation Street.

Canadian Elections coming: Stalin Harper vs Redo Trudeau vs whats-his-name in the No Jack Layton Party

USA elections coming: Another Bush, Another Clinton, Another Where was he born?
Thanks for bringing it up.

Yes ive been following this like many others here and am very worried about these Big Brothre type laws that are being signed fro the American Patriot Act, NDAA and now our C-51. They use the fearmongoring tactics to scare people into giving up their civil rights.

It's interesting how countries with very shady reputations (in places like Middle East) even dont have such harsh and over reaching laws. Countries our Canadian government criticizes on a weekly basis.

This is a ver big deal and i hope Canadians wake up and resist these measures.

This conservative government wants to start and expand more unnecessary wars (Which are the reasons for these crazy terrorists to target us in the first place). Also they are taking our civil rights which we always pride ourselves with, one by one.

The only way to stop them is a massive people's movement and by getting behind the opposing parties which ast this point seems to be only the NDP.
of all the MPs in parliament only the Greens and NDP voted No, all the rest, even the independents voted yes. I don't like some of the policies of both those parties but sometimes it does come down to a single issue (though there are plenty of other issues the liberals and conservatives piss me off on).

I don't believe there are any libertarians in parliament unless they're considered "independent", in which case they didn't vote with a libertarian philosophy
The only way to stop them is a massive people's movement and by getting behind the opposing parties which ast this point seems to be only the NDP.

Don't kid yourself, the NDP will be as fast, or more likely faster to take your rights then any other party.
Don't kid yourself, the NDP will be as fast, or more likely faster to take your rights then any other party.

i cant forsee the future and whether NDP will take a sharp turn or not. That said, the NDP and the Green party are fiercly fighting C-51 and our involvment in Iraq. Also, our unconditional and worship like support for Israel. These will put Canadians at a terror risk that would otherwise not exist.

Im pro a Canada that the world knows (used to know at least). A country that is not meddling in all foreing affairs. The conservatives are a shadow government for the Republicans and look at where the US is now. Knee deep in so many conflicts, paying billions in arms and wars while a huge number of its own citizens are either in prison or homeless.

Id rather see our government spend the money on Canadians and protect out civil rights (i.e privacy) rather than stomp on them.
the drop in oil prices is estimated to add an average of 1000 to Canadians pockets . The lower dollar is increasing exports and investment and making us more competitive, where is the economy problem you speak of?

Read again .... I am not debating what the impact might be (many people will tell many different versions of the oil impact ...) on individual's pockets. I am saying that this government doesn't have a plan without oil being at 100$/barrel. Hence they cannot even release a budget .... 11th largest economy or so in the world. So they have to talk fear and wars, because otherwise there's not much to talk about.
i cant forsee the future and whether NDP will take a sharp turn or not. That said, the NDP and the Green party are fiercly fighting C-51 and our involvment in Iraq.

They are the opposition, that's their job.

If they were in power they'd be stealing our rights just like all the rest of them.
They are the opposition, that's their job.

If they were in power they'd be stealing our rights just like all the rest of them.

I habve to disagree. Liberals are also the "opposition" but in reality all they do is flip flop on these issues and end up getting behind the Conservatives eventually.

If you watch the question and answer periods, youll see how Tom Mulcair goes in tooth and nail while the Liberals (also opposition supposedly) sit quitely or make an obligatory appearance and then go quite.

Again, no one can forsee the future but the NDP has been doing more than just pay lip service to Harper which is more than anyone can say about the Liberals. Yet they are both opposition.
None of them give a damn about you. They're in it for the elections, they want power and money... whoever gets in starts right away on consolidating that power and working on the next election. The only thing elections really work for is to keep the politicians worried that they won't keep their status the next time the vote rolls around, but don't think for a moment that the "government of power" does much of anything or leads in any appreciable way - the people underneath the electorate do all the work and bring about most of the changes. The party makes all the rules and the ministers are the face-men.
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