I understand that high claim = higher premiums.. If I were in business I would do the same thing. However, since fraud is playing a major role in driving up rates, why should I have to pick up the tab? The onus is on the INSURANCE company to combat the fraud. If you cannot operate a business without people scamming you left right and center.. then if you can't take the heat get out the kitchen. I'm FORCED by law to purchase auto insurance, and the way its being run is a joke. Government forces me to give a private company my money, and since the company sucks and keeps getting scammed, I have to pay more than I should?
Just because I live next to a bunch of scammers doesnt give the insurance companies the right to bundle me in with them and jack my rates. Government needs to step in here and partner up with the insurance industry to combat insurance fraud. Add possible jail time and fine of $100,000 to those convicted of insurance fraud and see how quickly people like RAGU go away. Legit accidents should be rated to the AREA, however the cost of fraudulant claims should be distributed across the province, as it is a failure on the COMPANY'S part, NOT a "failure" of the area beign rated.
Insurance is a game of assesing how much risk someone is, and then creating a figure to cover said risk. Fraud works the same way. If I see the risk of getting caught+consequences are not that high, and the possible payouts are in the tens of thousands, I'm much more likely to commit fraud. Risk vs Money
Just my 2 cents..