Biker goes into u-turning car

More like u turning car goes into biker.

NEGATIVE! Biker goes into u-turning car!

I'll admit I'm watching a video - hindsight 20/20 - but really now.. biker should have seen that one coming.. Hell, look at where he yells out in his helmet, "Whoa!". He is still accelerating against a vehicle coming into his lane barely moving. Anticipate the worst under the constant thinking of you're invisible. Had he done that, he'd very likely still be riding instead of injured and going through insurance...
NEGATIVE! Biker goes into u-turning car!

I'll admit I'm watching a video - hindsight 20/20 - but really now.. biker should have seen that one coming.. Hell, look at where he yells out in his helmet, "Whoa!". He is still accelerating against a vehicle coming into his lane barely moving. Anticipate the worst under the constant thinking of you're invisible. Had he done that, he'd very likely still be riding instead of injured and going through insurance...
LOL I knew someone was going to say this.

Everyone has a PhD in how to avoid crashes on this site.

A driver can magically spawn in the middle of the road and I'm sure a good 20 percent of the people on here would give me a synopsis of how they'd avoid it. Give me a break.
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I had it happen about 2 decades ago. I didn't have time to say "Noooooo". Good thing I was already stopping...coming up to a stop sign. Parked car pulled a sudden U turn to beat oncoming traffic. Literally pulled out in front of me. Good thing there were witnesses just getting off the bus looking right at the incident.

In the vid, he could have braked hard and swerved right. But if he missed and hit the back of the cage, he'd be at fault. Better to miss or hit the side like he did.
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LOL I knew someone was going to say this.

Everyone has a PhD in how to avoid crashes on this site.

A driver can magically spawn in the middle of the road and I'm sure a good 20 percent of the people on here would give me a synopsis of how they'd avoid it. Give me a break.

So if you were driving your car you'd just plow into the side of the u turner? You have to be aware of the idiots on the road and the car turned right into the left lane so you'd have to slow down and fall inbehind that vehicle or rearend it......pretty basic collision avoidance.
...pretty basic collision avoidance.

Well that's what I thought, AND I even admitted to being an arm-chair quarterback - hindsight 20/20, etc..

I also agree with you, dricked! In a car, or on a motorbike, the decision making process on this one is the same. At the very least, Boots, I hope you take away the simple message of never let your guard down. However, that'll only get you so far.... There's plenty of crappy G-class license drivers that get their M-class, and their craptastic driving capabilities are only that more a danger to their health on a motorcycle...
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In the vid, he could have braked hard and swerved right. But if he missed and hit the back of the cage, he'd be at fault. Better to miss or hit the side like he did.

When I'm turning left (like this motorcyclist is) and a car is turning right (like that car is), my nearly full and undivided attention is on the car to ensure I don't get myself into a jam as seen in the video. Ergo, in the video, he likely could have not put himself in the position of completing the turn at the same time as the car. "Basketweave merging" - if that makes any sense.

It can't possibly be only me that is defensibly thinking that the motor vehicle turning as I am turning (regardless of if I am in a car or on a bike) is going to go wide and into my lane. Heck - how many times does it happen that people turn left or right and don't stick in their lane. It's also why I try to basketweave/stagger my turn when faced with this situation.
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He could've prevented that collision but target fixation got the best of him, the vehicle was definitely in the wrong for pulling the U-Turn...GWS!
Is this a repost of one of the videos from the guy who kept crashing into cars over and over?
I was taught to brake and avoid. I also try to follow the axiom of going where they were, not where they are going....and looking where you want to go. Most of the time I can do it.
Looked like a hard one to avoid. I wouldn't have expected a car who just merged onto the road I'm on from a dedicated right turn curve "on ramp" to pull a U-turn like that.
Looks like he hit the brakes as soon as he realized it, but there's wasn't enough time or room to do much more.

Also keep in mind that these cameras distort distances to look a lot further than they really are.
Also keep in mind that these cameras distort distances to look a lot further than they really are.

I would say he's at fault for putting himself in that situation. He should have been defensive and anticipated that at the very least the car would make a wide right into his lane.

Outside of that though, I don't think he could have avoided it. By my count, he had maybe 1.5-2 seconds from the point the van started encroaching onto his lane to collision. Unless you have superhero reflexes, chances are most of us would do the same as him.

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