Bike pushed/knocked over :( |

Bike pushed/knocked over :(



Bike was parked on Broadway Ave. and was pushed/knocked over (At least they had the courtesy to pick it back up). Bike badly scratched. Would you guys claim the damages through insurance or just fix it on your own? Anyone know where to get OEM honda parts cheap?

I lowsided my bike and got the whole side fairing all 3 pieces for for $200 on ebay it was used but still in perfect condition· from suzuki it would have been over $1000.
That sucks man. What parts of your bike got damaged? The rule of thumb is to not put in a claim unless you must but I would wait for some of the experts on here for more advice. Good luck.
What year is your RR?
If it's an 05/06 I got some OEM rearsets lying around that I would let go for cheap if yours are damaged.
I have a 2009 600RR. Let's see where to begin.....

-Passenger seat ripped on one corner
-Lower cowl
-Left rear fender
-Upper Cowl
-Left mirror
-Rear Cowl
-R&G Frame Slider, cotton wheel

Basically the whole left side :(

Anyone one have any of these parts in Red, please let me know.
Depends on your comprehensive deductible. Comprehensive claims are not supposed to (I bolded this because I have heard stories of this being false) affect your rates so the only thing to consider is if it's cheaper to pay the deductible or do the repairs yourself.
I have a 2009 600RR. Let's see where to begin.....

-Passenger seat ripped on one corner
-Lower cowl
-Left rear fender
-Upper Cowl
-Left mirror
-Rear Cowl
-R&G Frame Slider, cotton wheel

Basically the whole left side :(

Anyone one have any of these parts in Red, please let me know.

damn, and i thought i got it bad ! same thing happend to me last week. if you can ride around with the scratches for a while, have you tried getting plastic weld to weld the two pieces together?

my bike had the right indicator punch through the fairing, i used some fiberglass repair kit to fix it. I plan on using some plastic weld on the outside with sand and paint in the winter. might be a much cheaper option as far as fixing the fairings go.

Hope everything gets worked out.
sounds like some butt hole reversed into your bike with their car while trying to either parallel park or get out of the spot
Depends on your comprehensive deductible. Comprehensive claims are not supposed to (I bolded this because I have heard stories of this being false) affect your rates so the only thing to consider is if it's cheaper to pay the deductible or do the repairs yourself.

That's just it. The industry will coincidently go up "for everyone" upon your next renewal. For anything suspicious, and you can thank scammers for this, it costs the legit folk in the long run.
Call your insurance company and ask the question if it is considered "no fault" or "not your fault". Make sure not to let it get classified as vandalism. If it is classed as "not your fault" (i.e. someone else's fault) insurance should wave the deductible and pay out. If it is classed as "no fault" (i.e. blame is not registered against anyone) than I believe you get dinged on the deductible. You don't have to follow through with a claim, just call and ask how it works.

I had the same thing happen to me 4 times in 4 years. Twice on my ZX10R which was less than $300 damage in either case.

3rd and 4th time was a rather more dear bike, and the damage was $2500 and $6000. In one case the person owned up. I had to live with a slight scratch on my fork cause the fork replacement was $3k and would break the dude. So we cut a deal to cover it up with axle sliders. He was straight up and settled cash. The last time I saw them reverse into my bike then take off. I ended up tearing down the street and catching them and calling the police. The police didn't give 2 f*&ks by the way, eye balled it, called it under $1000 and despite the lady admitting she left the scene without even a note, they couldn't be bothered to write a report. They sent us on our way to the reporting centre. I went later that night, the lady who hit me never showed up. My report went to insurance. Both insurance companies got in contact, and the fault was registered to her but my insurance company paid out. My company later told me it isn't even worth the money it takes to extract the money from the other insurance company if it is under $30k. They all agreed to pay for their own subscribers despite where the fault is allocated.

So like I your company and tell them it was knocked over by a car. And be sure to get clarity on the fault status. Someone else's fault = no deductible + no impact on your premium.
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Damn, that sux! I'm guessing you had no sliders on? There was a guy in his 30's around bay/dundas area that used to go around and push over all the motorcycle. One night he did it to my bike..I saw him push it over as I was just behind the glass door...went out got into a brawl...took him down and got the building security to arrest him and called the cops. Sad part is after all that that guy was a I really couldn't get anything off him and making a claim wasn't worth it...

The thing is he pushed it down HARD!! good thing i had the sliders and it just damaged my mirror, put a small nick on the tank and a minor scratch on the tail.. I just replaced the mirror and left the rest as it wasn't that noticeable.

But damn man, I hope u find all parts @ a good price..
Second time was a rather more dear bike, and the damage was $6000 and I saw them reverse into my bike then take off. I ended up tearing down the street and catching them and calling the police. The police didn't give 2 f*&ks by the way, eye balled it, called it under $1000 and despite the lady admitting she left the scene without even a note, they couldn't be bothered to write a report. They sent us on our way to the reporting centre. I went later that night, the lady who hit me never showed up. My report went to insurance.

That's just terrible - I wonder if a further complaint can be filed so that the police can finish the work (I thought) they are responsible for.
That's just terrible - I wonder if a further complaint can be filed so that the police can finish the work (I thought) they are responsible for.

It is no longer the case that a sergeant will investigate a subordinate officer. Instead at the collision reporting centre waaaaaaaaaaaaay tucked away in an obscure spot, with maybe only 1 or 2 pamphlets, there is a complaint process which goes under an "independent" review. If you don't ask where it is, you will never find it on your own! I have no faith in the process. There is no one on the phone you can talk to, just a form to fill out and drop off in a box.

But just so you know, if the damage is over $1000 and you insist the officer write a report, they HAVE to! They can only pawn you off onto the reporting centre if it is under $1000 damage or you don't request it from them on the spot. I didn't know this at the time. A sergeant gave me a tip and apologized he could do nothing more under the new rules. The messed up thing is that I insisted the 2 cops write a report and note that the lady admitted knocking over my bike and fleeing the scene. I also insisted they didn't value the damage properly at 8 ft away with their hands in their pockets. They were simply 2 of the laziest cops I have come across and refused out right.

They actually said, "We're not traffic cops. You called the police and we were dispatched, that's your luck buddy, we aren't going to write a report."
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I would suggest the "Plastic Surgeon" for fixing any cracks etc.. then find a local painter to repaint plastics
It is no longer the case that a sergeant will investigate a subordinate officer. Instead at the collision reporting centre waaaaaaaaaaaaay tucked away in an obscure spot, with maybe only 1 or 2 pamphlets, there is a complaint process which goes under an "independent" review. If you don't ask where it is, you will never find it on your own! I have no faith in the process. There is no one on the phone you can talk to, just a form to fill out and drop off in a box.

But just so you know, if the damage is over $1000 and you insist the officer write a report, they HAVE to! They can only pawn you off onto the reporting centre if it is under $1000 damage or you don't request it from them on the spot. I didn't know this at the time. A sergeant gave me a tip and apologized he could do nothing more under the new rules. The messed up thing is that I insisted the 2 cops write a report and note that the lady admitted knocking over my bike and fleeing the scene. I also insisted they didn't value the damage properly at 8 ft away with their hands in their pockets. They were simply 2 of the laziest cops I have come across and refused out right.

They actually said, "We're not traffic cops. You called the police and we were dispatched, that's your luck buddy, we aren't going to write a report."

wow.. holy wow!!!

Mental notes.. (considering my plastics are worth easily over $1000

1) Always insist a report is taken by cops
2) Get other persons details (so to report to insurance)
3) get cops badge/car number - time of day etc.
4). Run camera phone to record interaction.
5) take photos of damage and police
6) Trust no one to do their job.
Call your insurance company and ask the question if it is considered "no fault" or "not your fault". Make sure not to let it get classified as vandalism. If it is classed as "not your fault" (i.e. someone else's fault) insurance should wave the deductible and pay out. If it is classed as "no fault" (i.e. blame is not registered against anyone) than I believe you get dinged on the deductible. You don't have to follow through with a claim, just call and ask how it works.

I had the same thing happen to me 4 times in 4 years. Twice on my ZX10R which was less than $300 damage in either case.

3rd and 4th time was a rather more dear bike, and the damage was $2500 and $6000. In one case the person owned up. I had to live with a slight scratch on my fork cause the fork replacement was $3k and would break the dude. So we cut a deal to cover it up with axle sliders. He was straight up and settled cash. The last time I saw them reverse into my bike then take off. I ended up tearing down the street and catching them and calling the police. The police didn't give 2 f*&ks by the way, eye balled it, called it under $1000 and despite the lady admitting she left the scene without even a note, they couldn't be bothered to write a report. They sent us on our way to the reporting centre. I went later that night, the lady who hit me never showed up. My report went to insurance. Both insurance companies got in contact, and the fault was registered to her but my insurance company paid out. My company later told me it isn't even worth the money it takes to extract the money from the other insurance company if it is under $30k. They all agreed to pay for their own subscribers despite where the fault is allocated.

So like I your company and tell them it was knocked over by a car. And be sure to get clarity on the fault status. Someone else's fault = no deductible + no impact on your premium.

Wow!!! thanks for all the suggestions and personal stories. I guess, I'm not the only one with bad luck and it could of been worse. Your right Awyala, just spoke to my insurance and they said that I might not have to pay anything (depending on the claims department)....but they can't guarantee that my insurance won't go up :(
I would report it to the police as a collision, then call your insurance company. My bike was knocked over by a car last year. The damage looked minimal but it was still almost 3 grand with labor to repair. As it was deemed a not at fault accident (as i wasn't even there), the insurance company waived my deductable and my rates were not affected.
I would report it to the police as a collision, then call your insurance company. My bike was knocked over by a car last year. The damage looked minimal but it was still almost 3 grand with labor to repair. As it was deemed a not at fault accident (as i wasn't even there), the insurance company waived my deductable and my rates were not affected.

Did you catch the guy who knocked it over? I spoke with insurance and they want me to pay the deductable ($1000). They are saying that there is no witnesses and the car who hit it left.
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I have learned a very important lesson from this: do not park downtown unless you are staring at your bike after parking.

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