Bike positioning information.Brake and clutch lever ergonimics |

Bike positioning information.Brake and clutch lever ergonimics

neat !

Normally already do all of that....seems to come naturally...
I never really cared to adjust my current bike and they were slightly high, but I tried one of those cramp buster throttle attachments last year and found that when I had to turn my hand up to get to the brake, it brought my wrist down and turned the throttle. It was a surprise when I had to quickly brake and the back end broke loose a bit (front brake plus throttle). They are adjusted now.
I've seen a few of the Dave Moss suspension video's, but I saw this in the 'related' bar. Supposed to be changing brake pads, but he goes into long detail about cleaning the brake pistons. His recommendation is monthly on a daily driver. Well, I'm not doing it monthly, but the only time I do this is when changing pads. Maybe I'll clean them semi regularly now.

Follow up part 2.

Great videos, thanks for sharing!

Thanks for sharing.
I never really noticed/cared about my level angles. However, Blue919 convinced me to adjusted them one time. Forgot to snug the bolts back up, one fell out on the highway, and was left with no front brakes once I hit the off-ramp. Had to stop every 5 mins on the ride home to hand tighten the remaining bolt to keep it from vibrating out. Fun times.
I never really noticed/cared about my level angles. However, Blue919 convinced me to adjusted them one time. Forgot to snug the bolts back up, one fell out on the highway, and was left with no front brakes once I hit the off-ramp. Had to stop every 5 mins on the ride home to hand tighten the remaining bolt to keep it from vibrating out. Fun times.

Loctite ! Is your friend

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