Don't randomly throw parts at it. Look for and analyze ALL the symptoms.
Is the coolant level correct in both the overflow tank and the radiator?
Pressure testing the radiator cap usually isn't a worthwhile exercise. They're cheap and easy to replace, so just install a new one.
Is the face of the radiator half blocked with bugs and rocks with half the fins folded over blocking the airflow? (No airflow through the radiator = no cooling)
When you start the engine from cold with the radiator cap removed, is there visible coolant circulation? Do the radiator and the hoses to and from the radiator all feel warm after the engine has been running for a couple of minutes? If not, the water pump may be suspect. When doing this test, are there visible gas bubbles coming up through the coolant? If yes - either the cooling system was not fully "burped" leading to an air pocket that is blocking circulation, OR if the cooling system was known to be correctly filled, you may have a leaking head gasket.
Is there anything else about the bike or its history that we need to know, which would contribute to cooling system issues?