BIG Ooops for Myth Busters!!!

Just how close would you want to live to a "bomb disposal" Range? Jail on one side and nice little residential area on the other.

I would be as far away as possible, but then whos to say the house + owners wernt there first.

Hope these home owners were huge Myth Busters fans:D Just how close would you want to live to a "bomb disposal" Range? Jail on one side and nice little residential area on the other. Perfect place for the site IMO???

They were clearly at the wrong kind of range. A bomb disposal range is a totally different animal than a range for firearms or artillery. Poor planning on their part I would say.

But admittedly once I saw that nobody was hurt the visual of a cannonball flying through a neighborhood, crashing through a house (leaving only a hole the size of the cannonball) and finally embedding itself in a beige Toyota minivan made me chuckle. Of course, I can't help but picture it in full on Roadrunner and Coyote animation style ;)
Wow....right through the home and almost hit another. Why fuel we're they using to shot the cannon?
Wonder if that's going to make it to the TV show....

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