Big meteor spotted Jun 14th around 10 pm looking north


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Lots of people saw it - big one around 10 pm or a bit earlier.
Damn I was out but was heading west in trees at that time.

The Latest Worldwide Meteor / Fireball Reports

niiiiiccccce one

One description pf hundreds posted - must have been big

No sound, but bright green/blue/white/red, changing colors like the northern lights. Looked like a multi colored fire ball with a long tail

nother one

white shooting star, explosion of green and white and what looked like a dust cloud that remained 15mins

Bright enough to draw my attention from the TV and look outside

I saw one going vertical downward as I was heading up Hwy 6 on the mcycle but it was later around midnight.

Did not see much but had to have been bright as I was approaching a lighted area and it caught my eye. Straight down and centred on the highway which points pretty much north in that area.

Anyone else spot the big show?
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There were a few bikes out last night and that was special - perhaps one of the top in the last decade. Sorry I missed it and I was out and pointing the wrong way. Had I shifted routes would have seen it for sure heading north.

I try and post up destination stuff like hitting York Soaring as good spot for meteors and a nice ride destination. Just was wondering if anyone else saw it.

There are now thousands of reports and one ( poor quality ) video. This was something big.

Kid and I are heading to the Wallenda walk over the Niagara River this evening. Maybe we need a sticky with potential places to ride to.
Earth has a higher chance of ending by a meteorite than anything else.
It was struck once and it won't be the last (well, major strike)
I saw it while smoking on my porch. It was really bright. At first I thought it was a plane but then it fizzled out and I figured must've been a big rock.
I was on my bike heading north around 9:45-9:50ish and I thought I was seeing things. I full out saw this thing. I actually lifted up my visor and waited for a impact sound... But nothing.

It was pretty intense let me tell you. I even looked around to see if people in the cars saw this.
And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon a third of the rivers, and upon the springs of water; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and a third of the waters became Bitter; and many people had died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

It's Absintheon!!!!

No we're all ****ed. :)
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