Big Chute today |

Big Chute today


Well-known member
So I'm just exiting the slow twisty portion of the Chute where it opens up to 80.

I pass a Smart car that is good about it and pulls as far to the right that she can to let me pass, cool!

Its that kind of day, the weather is about as perfect as it gets for riding, there's little traffic, and I'm on a beautiful road in early fall, awesome!


Whats that up ahead on the road?...a turtle?!?..curve around the little bugger but can't stop yet as I'm movin kinda fast, its a loose gravely shoulder and the Smart car is still kinda close, so I gas it to get some space and do a U-turn cuz my wife would never forgive me leaving an innocent, defenseless, though clearly intensely stupid turtle in the middle of the road to be smushed.

Complete my turn, zip back to cover my tracks, slow down and pull onto the shoulder.

Hmmm, there's that Smart car again also turning around...guess she had the same idea about the idiot turtle and took pity as well.

Stand down, bike off, swing leg over, catch a glimpse of the woman getting out of her Smart car and running towards ME...wait...she's not running 'towards' me...she's CHASING her car...which I'm assuming is still in gear after she got out!

$#!%...start pushing the bike out of the way of the ravenous Smart car...damn the loose gravel!!!

Not gonna be able to move it in time as I noticed the car was moving towards me a bit too late...turns out I shouldn't have little SV beat the hell outta that "Smart" car and dumped its ***** in the ditch!



The turtle, stupid though he was, remained completely unscathed and was safely removed from the road!



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I've heard you can make a good soup out of those things.
I DID think about that...didn't seem to be enough meat on it tho!

Was she hot?

Umm...she was in a Smart car!!!

She was like 70 or something...a group ride full of cruisers happened along literally seconds after the turtle was removed from the road, and the paramedic from their group pretty much jumped in and calmed her down...she was talking a LOT of gibberish for about 10 minutes afterwards, I'm guessing shock.

I stuck around while on-call paramedics and a tow truck were called, but even though I was laughin it off as the car just kinda bounced off the rear tire and veered into the ditch, she seemed to be a bit agitated that there was something wrong with the bike and that i was gonna try and fleece her or something, so once i took my pics for posterity and reassured her that "no, I won't be needing your information for insurance or any other reason" I left her with the groups paramedic as it seemed to be the easiest way to reasure her of this fact...keep in mind that help was there and more on the way regardless.

Stange situation, but she wasn't in the car and it was just nerves at that point, and dude wasn't going to let her drive again anyways and as i mentioned, my presence seemed to just be agitating her more.
I dislike a lot of things but Smart cars and their smug owners are near the top of the list.
Glad I could provide a bit of entertainment...and yes Silent Vik you made the right choice....hey, waitaminute here...Silent Vik...S V

I am reminded of a visit I made to a shabby restaurant on Jarvis Street. It was late at night, and this dive was the only thing open, so I was surprised to see "Turtle Soup" on the menu. I thought that stuff was only available at high-priced restaurants where you could hardly lift the menu, so I ordered a bowl of it.

The waiter bellowed over his shoulder, "HEY CHARLIE, one Turtle Soup!"

I had second thoughts pretty soon. This crummy hole in the wall could hardly produce such an elegant dish, and would probably bring me something that would turn my stomach, and even worse, forever turn me off a dish that was considered connoisseur fare in places I would like to be able to afford.

I asked the waiter to change my order to Pea Soup, which they probably got by opening a can. That would surely be safer, and not result in any gastric upset early in the morning and far from home.

The waiter bellowed to the kitchen, "HEY CHARLIE, hold the turtle! Make it Pea!"
Phew!!! you had me worried about that damn turtle!

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