Bicycle lanes downtown... Yay or Nay

I think it's maneuvers like these that give motorcyclists a bad rep..
Hey _eug_, you said it right in your thread title: bicycle lanes.
I think it's a bad idea and as a rider I would appreciate if you didn't contribute to the negative perspective some people have of sport bikes. :)
I think it's a bad idea and as a rider I would appreciate if you didn't contribute to the negative perspective some people have of sport bikes. :)

Amazingly enough I do 90% of my riding downtown Toronto and have seen more cruisers doing it than sport bikes.
Scooters do it all the time and nobody seems to care. I've done it once or twice, but I agree its not generally a good idea.
Scooters do it all the time and nobody seems to care. I've done it once or twice, but I agree its not generally a good idea.

Were they scooters or ebikes with plastics to look like scooters?
I have seen both do it but I think scooters tend to not be bothered by authorities because they gray area that is ebikes and the similar look.
Scooters are probably safer in that lane.
Automobiles get bonus points for hitting motorcycles in that lane.
If traffic is a stand still, why would I not use that lane to get up to the stop light. There is more then enough space in there for me to safely get through. Those lanes should be for all two wheel vehicles.
I would have no problem if green plate scooters were allowed in the bicycle lane. I'd also not have a problem if green plates covered scooters under 100cc instead of under 50cc.
I take it you ride up the shoulder of the highway and on the sidewalk too!

Oops forgot bikepaths. There is lots of room on bikepaths.
I filter occasionally, but I never use the bicycle lanes... I respect my 2 wheeled motor-less brethren.

At least with cutting between cars the only person I'm putting at risk is myself, I'd rather not risk mowing down a cyclist.
Highway Traffic Act
Where highway divided into lanes
154. (1) Where a highway has been divided into clearly marked lanes for traffic,
...(c) any lane may be designated for slowly moving traffic, traffic moving in a particular direction or classes or types of vehicles and, despite section 141, where a lane is so designated and official signs indicating the designation are erected, every driver shall obey the instructions on the official signs. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 154 (1).

Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 400
Section 21C(1) Drive Vehicle - Designated Lane
-I cannot seem to find this online

Please do not ride in bicycle lanes, thus endangering cyclists. They, like us, have a hard enough time not getting killed on the road. You need not contribute to their demise.
I ride in them all the time. When I'm on a bicycle. But then I stop at stop signs too.
speaking of cyclists... they should work on obeying the laws themselves. them cyclist blowing thur stop signs and red lights.
yesterday i was riding home from work cyclist was on the right, close to the curb where he was supposed to be, while he was on the curve of a road. so i was coming up on left tire track, and he suddenly decides to start riding in the middle of the lane w/o checking traffic behind him first, lucky for him i was able to adjust and switch lanes fast enuff cuz i was on a bike, if i was in a car. gg cyclist
speaking of cyclists... they should work on obeying the laws themselves. them cyclist blowing thur stop signs and red lights.
yesterday i was riding home from work cyclist was on the right, close to the curb where he was supposed to be, while he was on the curve of a road. so i was coming up on left tire track, and he suddenly decides to start riding in the middle of the lane w/o checking traffic behind him first, lucky for him i was able to adjust and switch lanes fast enuff cuz i was on a bike, if i was in a car. gg cyclist

just because many cyclists break the road laws doesn't mean we should
speaking of cyclists... they should work on obeying the laws themselves. them cyclist blowing thur stop signs and red lights.
yesterday i was riding home from work cyclist was on the right, close to the curb where he was supposed to be, while he was on the curve of a road. so i was coming up on left tire track, and he suddenly decides to start riding in the middle of the lane w/o checking traffic behind him first, lucky for him i was able to adjust and switch lanes fast enuff cuz i was on a bike, if i was in a car. gg cyclist

Waiting on the sidewalk cyclist screams at me for not getting out of the way..Jarvis and Carlton..I am on the sidewalk, cyclelists never obey any intersections or generally any rules....I think maybe about 5 in all of Toronto....certainly don't know what one ways are....complain complain
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