Best way to straighten bent shifter


Well-known member
the part with the little rubber boot is slightly bent outwards. What is the best way to bring it back in a bit so its more like an upside down "L" rather then like a "Y" minus the second foot, if you get what I mean. I can't seem to get enough leverage on it to hammer it.

I have a blow torch but I'm afraid of melting the rubber boot. It seems like its going to be very hard to take it off and put on back on... I will try lubing it up and see how that goes. Once heated do I just hammer away?
I fixed my wife's by getting a large adjustable wrench, closing the jaws on the rubber part (bottom of the L) and using a bit of force, bent it back into place. With aluminum, you take the the risk of breaking it but if it's chrome steel, don't worry.
No hammer. Just steady pressure and heat. Take the boot off and reinstall. If you cant get it off cut the bottom then reinstall with some lockwire to hold it in place. If you bend without heat you will 9 out of 10 times break it.
What I've done in the past,

Cut off the bent shifter part, drill a hole and install a nut, bolt and some appropriately sized fuel line. Good as new?
Vice Grip, towel over it, make sure its not a cold day and bend slowly is how I bent mine back from the previous owner's drop.
Use a pipe, that's what I did to straighten my brake pedal after someone backed into my bike
take the shifter off the bike. boil water and place it in a cup with rubber end,should come off easy with out damage,use a vise and heat up the bent area. i use a box end of a large spanner to set it straight again, go slowly with limited force. fixed.
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