Best place to take your GF (Scenery)


Well-known member
Forks of the Credit seemed to be a cool place to ride at and than perhaps go for a bike ride/scroll and enjoy the beauty of that little town, lake shore blvd is also a cool place in my opinion also for a bike ride/scroll along the path and enjoy the wonderful scenery of the lake + parks, etc. But what else do we have that's cool?
Are there any places around GTA which are like the location at end of shawshank redemption (I kno, weird
Reference), like a big field with a big tree in the middle and just vast greenery?
Niagara River Parkway

Yep. Nice little cruise. Start in NOTL and make your way down to Fort Erie.

I like ridge road in Hamilton, great view from atop the escarpment. Zip through Hamilton and go through Dundas (some nice curvy roads there too) and again you can have a nice view of the Hamilton Bay at one of the lookouts.
The House of Lancaster has amazing scenery :cool:
Since you mentioned travelling to the Forks. Two spots that are close by (I'm not sure if you already know about these).
1. The Cheltham Badlands (Old Base Line Rd. just east of Mississagua Rd.).
2. Belfountain Conservation Area - they have some intresting trails, suspension bridge overlooking a waterfall etc.
Since you mentioned travelling to the Forks. Two spots that are close by (I'm not sure if you already know about these).
1. The Cheltham Badlands (Old Base Line Rd. just east of Mississagua Rd.).
2. Belfountain Conservation Area - they have some intresting trails, suspension bridge overlooking a waterfall etc.

Millcroft Inn and the Alton Mill in Alton... just north of the Forks.
Since you mentioned travelling to the Forks. Two spots that are close by (I'm not sure if you already know about these).
1. The Cheltham Badlands (Old Base Line Rd. just east of Mississagua Rd.).
2. Belfountain Conservation Area - they have some intresting trails, suspension bridge overlooking a waterfall etc.

Haven't been but I'm going to consider all the routes posted by you guys, thanks! :D
Since you mentioned travelling to the Forks. Two spots that are close by (I'm not sure if you already know about these).
1. The Cheltham Badlands (Old Base Line Rd. just east of Mississagua Rd.).
2. Belfountain Conservation Area - they have some intresting trails, suspension bridge overlooking a waterfall etc.

Belfountain is a very beautiful park to hike through, part of the Bruce trail runs through it. Bring a backpack of food and drinks and have a picnic. Don't litter. :p
Dundas / Ancaster has nice roads and lots of places to stop / eat / stroll. Lots of conservation areas. Anywhere along the Niagara Escarpment is good.
Since you mentioned travelling to the Forks. Two spots that are close by (I'm not sure if you already know about these).
1. The Cheltham Badlands (Old Base Line Rd. just east of Mississagua Rd.).
2. Belfountain Conservation Area - they have some interesting trails, suspension bridge overlooking a waterfall etc.

+1 on both locations and if you go to the Badlands make sure you take a camera with you
There are many places if you look hard enough. I love Dams and rivers. I've found a few in Scarborough, but I would like to keep those private, lol, sorry.

There is Rouge Beach, in Scarboro also, worth a check. its really nice and not too crowded. I had a thread with it recently.
Take the long haul through Algonquin Park and back, looks beautiful.
:( already been to all those places listed.....I need to find a nice spot to impress!

MY spot used to be Polson Pier at 2-4am.......but now they have started to rent the lot out a lot more, added to the influx of events there......
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