Guys, the trucker was hard on the brakes before the clip even starts. It's very likely he was going faster because he wasn't able to slow down as easily as the other vehicles. He was going barely faster than the dashcam car that was on the onramp anyways.
Also, it was a very dynamic blockage, with vehicles swapping lanes continuously in front of him. Who knows what the picture was like from his seat before the video started.
Agreed that the driver was lucky and desperate, actually the amount of luck involved was almost magical the way other vehicles flowed all around him. But he did brake hard and under control. He did stay in his lane when there was traffic alongside. He did recognize the instant the left lane opened up when the backhoe moved to the right. He did release the brakes to swerve and keep the tractor in front of the trailer, and then brake hard again. I suppose it looks more impressive than it is, but that was c**p tons of skill there.