Battey Problems


Well-known member
Hey guys, I know I have a lot of problrms (my bike.. not me... maybe me?) lol but riht now I am having a ptoblem with my bike and I got told it was a few things. I justa new battery and it was fine for about a week or so.. But now it lasts me like.. maybe a half hour 45 minutes then my gas light syarts blinking dimlyand my tach kinda trips out for a second (goes straight down to zero then back to normal for literally a split second then back to zero and then it dies. How do I check my charging system and what other things should I look at and what should I do or clean or what? I am on a 2002 SV650S.
Charge your battery. Start your bike and measure the voltage across your battery while the bike is at a fast idle. It should read somewhere between 13.5 and 14.5 volts, and it should rise slightly within that range as the revs go up.

If it's above that say in the 15 volt or higher range, you're probably looking at a faulty rectifier and overcharging is killing your battery. Changing a rectifier is easy and can be dirt cheap if you source a replacement off eBay. I think mine cost about $25 delivered, and it has worked flawlessly for the last 10,000 miles so far.

If it's below 13.5 volts, it could be either your rectifier or your stator. Rectifiers usually go before a stator will, plus rectifiers are a lot cheaper and easier to replace than a stator. You could try a hack and pray replacement of the rectifier and see if that fixes the issue, or you can do it properly and verify the stator function first. See post 3 in to see the "rectifier out-of-circuit) resistance and voltage values that you should see across the stator connections when it is disconnected from the rectifier.
Also, if your voltage is reading low at the battery, go and check the voltage again at the rectifier output. The bike is 10 years old. Sometimes plug connections between the rectifier and the battery can work loose or corrode, resulting in voltage loss along the way and lower than useful charging voltages by the time the rectifier output reaches the battery.
Sean ride it out to the shop tomorrow I am there all day. We can check the charging etc. I have six of everything that we may or may not need. Its a 15min ride from your place.
Thanks a bunch Turbodish for your help. Ken am I able to come tomorrow after 4? I finish work at four I can come straight there. Thanks a bunch!!
Thanks a bunch Turbodish for your help. Ken am I able to come tomorrow after 4? I finish work at four I can come straight there. Thanks a bunch!!
LoL, at 5PM they might be gone... I was thinking maybe noon, or what Kneedragger? Heheh...
It might be as simple as carbon brushes. But if you get a diagnosis, that's the main thing.
I went through your troubles, and for me it was battery - p o s.
Got a gel in there now, and new brushes, though I didn't really need them.
Kneedragger can load-test your battery (which my fancy new Yuasa MF failed miserably) and get you sorted.
I hate working Sunday.
Sorry I am confused lol, rib fest was tonight :P 5PM is to late? and if another day is better is tuesday okay? Monday or Tuesday is my day off I am not to sure right now lol I have to check tomorrow. I have my phone all day so i am able to check the site anytime.
monday or tuesday then during the day I am generally off picking up kids from school from three onwards
kneedragger88 will hook you up....not to worry there....these charging systems are easy to rectify

But I'd suspect its the rectifier plug burning up.....stuff di-electrical grease in those puppies
Okay I can come real early then. Just let me know how much I need to bring and Ill post in like a half an hour to let you know what day it is that I am off. Thanks a bunch guys
Question. I checked the charging system with the voltage reader thing and it does not charge when i run it to 5000rpm. If it is a stator would my bike start? I heard not? So therefore it could most likely just be my rectifier?
What do you mean by "it does not charge"? No voltage increase at all with increasing revs? Same voltage as when the bike is not running?

A bad stator will not keep your bike from starting. It will only keep it from charging properly. A bad rectifier, overly-corroded or melted connectors or wires could also be the cause. You're going to need to do some basic troubleshooting to narrow down the cause. Try the link in one of the posts above.
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