Very dissappointing start to the day. All suited up, helmet on, gloves on, a couple engine turns then click click click. Battery dead. Happened once last year and its been on a tender all winter until a couple weeks ago and I've rode a couple times since then.
The optimate 4, charges the battery and doesn't throw any warnings. Is there an easy way to tell if it is the battery or the charging system or do I need to take it in and have the battery tested? If so any ideas where? (I'm in Richmond Hill).
I've got an 07 Bonneville and I think it uses a YTX-12B. Can I pick up an appropriate battery at cdn tire or partsource or somewhere close by? I was hoping to make port dover tomorrow and I wouldn't have time to e-order anything.
The optimate 4, charges the battery and doesn't throw any warnings. Is there an easy way to tell if it is the battery or the charging system or do I need to take it in and have the battery tested? If so any ideas where? (I'm in Richmond Hill).
I've got an 07 Bonneville and I think it uses a YTX-12B. Can I pick up an appropriate battery at cdn tire or partsource or somewhere close by? I was hoping to make port dover tomorrow and I wouldn't have time to e-order anything.