Battery or R/R?


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So recently the last couple of days i have been driving the dash goes dim and at lower rpm's you can feel the bike stuttering. So I find a hill and turn the bike off and it won't cranked back up, So proceed to roll down the hill and jump it and it runs fine for the next little while, but has happened almost everytime I ride it the last 2 days.
Weird thing is if I let it die then jump it and drive for just a minute I can come back hours later and it will fire up.

Battery gets about 12.8V ignition off and about 14.8V@4000rpm.

If anyone has had this happen a point in the right direction will be quite helpful.

might be a intermittent issue, or battery issue
Royal has batteries for cheap $30-40 (no tax right now) try a new one and see, sounds like you are charging OK.
I might pick one of those batteries up just in case.

I did all my tests on the Battery, R/R and stator and they all came out within spec? I noticed one of my LED strips for underglow was flickering so I replaced that and the battery hasn't done it yet today. (Cross fingers and knock on wood)

And when it was happening I didn't have the underglow lighting on.
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