Ballycanoe Loop June 27 2024 |

Ballycanoe Loop June 27 2024


Well-known member
247 km leaving Kingston about 9:30 am
My research says its all paved but some of it may be narrow and no yellow lines.
Stop at Forthton at the Cedar Valley Golf and Country club for coffee.
Visit Ballycanoe and Co. that has RURAL ARCHITECTURAL SALVAGE
Let me know if you are interested in joining me.

Departed Kingston at 8:15 with high cloud and temperature at 17 degrees.
Beautiful ride along the St. Lawrence to Brockville but a bit cool.
Eventually arrived home after 270km.
Unfortunately no pictures this time.
I changed my route to include Brockville to have a look at a Suzuki TU250.
It was in great shape for a decent price but I decided I needed to spend the cash on some car repair instead.
I had a corrupted file on my iPad so it only showed half of the route.
Lunch was at the Cedar Valley Country Club and it was humorous to watch golfers contort themselves
into a painful a looking stance just to wack a little ball with a very expensive stick.
Since there are a lot of roads in the area that dead end at lakes I headed in the general direction of home after passing thru Ballycanoe.
Will attempt the same ride later in the clockwise direction.
Maybe I should take a paper map just in case!

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