Awesome piece if technology

I would suggest the DS213 or 213+ the new replacement 214 line.
Pretty much never worry about losing your photos or files again.

This works on Windows and Mac, this article is a Apple user "discovering" something that is better than crapple items.

and you can play with it here
live demo

These things are pieces of ****. i have a synology 410j and i rarely use it (keep it powered off) and i've lost 2 god damn harddrives on it
These things are pieces of ****. i have a synology 410j and i rarely use it (keep it powered off) and i've lost 2 god damn harddrives on it

Did you try to warranty it?
I noticed your unit is from 2011.
The new units are very different and Synology makes a good product with very good support.
Maybe you should try to call them.

p.s. it was known in the early days that you could not use the regular desktop hard drives because they could not handle the on/off demands of a network device or something like that.

This is a cool video explaining.
The regular Hitachi drives seem to do very well.
From what I've seen the Seagates only last 2-3 depending on how much they are used and most of the people I've seen using lasted barely a year. They use them for storing games on hacked consoles so they get significantly more than average use.
Not sure what your point is here.

An external HDD is merely an internal drive in a box. All HDD's will fail with enough reads and writes. The major thing that kills externals is shocks(bumps, drops).

So saying an external will fail due to accessing it makes me lol

As far as brands go I've had Seagate, WD, Hitachi, Maxtor, and Samsung drives. All of my Seagates failed, but they all lasted around 5 years and I didn't lose any data. Each Seagate was replaced with a WD and I have yet to replace any of them.
Not sure what your point is here.

An external HDD is merely an internal drive in a box. All HDD's will fail with enough reads and writes. The major thing that kills externals is shocks(bumps, drops).

So saying an external will fail due to accessing it makes me lol

As far as brands go I've had Seagate, WD, Hitachi, Maxtor, and Samsung drives. All of my Seagates failed, but they all lasted around 5 years and I didn't lose any data. Each Seagate was replaced with a WD and I have yet to replace any of them.

I was looking for a new hdd and it seems like the low end WD(green and blue?) fail quite often. Same with Seagate. Most other HHDs are made by WD(?). Not sure about all that since it was a year ago I did my research. Anyways, what is a good HDD these days?
I was looking for a new hdd and it seems like the low end WD(green and blue?) fail quite often. Same with Seagate. Most other HHDs are made by WD(?). Not sure about all that since it was a year ago I did my research. Anyways, what is a good HDD these days?

That video link I provided seems to say Hitachi's have a low failure rate.
For my photos I will not be waiting for a drive to fail just like my bike's battery I will swap them out after 3 years to be on the safe side. Use the old drives in an external case and make that my 5th backup down the line.
The greens are ok if you turn off the head park feature. That is what kills them. I have 3 of them running 24/7 for 3-5 years and havent had one fail yet.

If you were looking for top reliability get the WD black. It's their flagship drive and comes with 5 year warranty.

Avoid Toshiba like the plague.
From what I've seen the Seagates only last 2-3 depending on how much they are used and most of the people I've seen using lasted barely a year. They use them for storing games on hacked consoles so they get significantly more than average use.

hmm that's odd i have had mine since 2010 and i open and use it everyday, still works perfectly.
hmm that's odd i have had mine since 2010 and i open and use it everyday, still works perfectly.

Lucky lol. How much is on it? I know some people had issues with it slowing down their computer and reading slow when relatively full while it was connected but the issue doesn't occur while hooked up to Nintendo Wii, maybe backup plus but I think the console rescans the files constantly.
I've had Synology boxes for a while and my last acquisitions (DS214, DS112) run nonstop since I installed them. But I agree that their earlier products weren't on par with the later releases. I'm even considering getting a DS713+ to replace the DS112.
In case you haven't guessed, I love the DSs.
Lucky lol. How much is on it? I know some people had issues with it slowing down their computer and reading slow when relatively full while it was connected but the issue doesn't occur while hooked up to Nintendo Wii, maybe backup plus but I think the console rescans the files constantly.

I have 2 seagate drives and 2 WD drives. The seagate ones I got back in 2010 and 2011, WD's I got in 2012 and 2013 both have about 10MB left on them and have been directly plugged into my media unit or my computer copying and playing movies for almost 3-4 years, Havent had a problem with them yet.
writing and deleteing consistentily might slow them down a tad over the course of there lifes, but as mentioned, the main cause of external hard drives failing is bumping them around.

As for slowing down a computer, I am assuming he must have been copying files at this point o just plugged it in while it was loading up, But if it was plugged in and not being used, you would never be able to tell the difference in computer speeds.
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