Automatic Insurance Check when Renewing (roadside?)


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So I just renewed my plates, two cars and the bike. For both cars the system already knew I had insurance and the renewal did not even ask me about insurance (automatically checked it off). On the bike I still had to enter the info in manually, company and policy number. Cars are cooperators bike is TD.

Did they implement the "automatic" updates for cars and not bikes or if it just TD is not yet participating???
Insurers keep a creepy amount of info on you, they share it with the MTO and each other.

Some are now looking at family members and cancelling policies if a house has a bad driver.

For example, if a household member was convicted of racing and did not report the conviction to their insurer, if the insurer finds out, some are cancelling all policies listed at that home address.

They then share that insurance was cancelled for everyone at that address with all other insurers.
Insurers keep a creepy amount of info on you, they share it with the MTO and each other.

Some are now looking at family members and cancelling policies if a house has a bad driver.

For example, if a household member was convicted of racing and did not report the conviction to their insurer, if the insurer finds out, some are cancelling all policies listed at that home address.

They then share that insurance was cancelled for everyone at that address with all other insurers.
Where my thoughts were going is the people riding dirty.

If this is just a motorcycle thing (no automatic syncing of the insurance data to the MTO, etc.) it leaves a pretty big gap. Automatic plate readers, fake road slide slips, etc.
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