as of last night |

as of last night


Well-known member
river road has a fair bit of gravel (more then normal)
Prince of wails has a huge amount in the first right hander going north, very bad go slow.
2nd line (the road in the middle of tera nova) looks like a gravel drop a tone in every corner.

was out last night with a few guys and it was interesting, even warptiger slowed down.
Didn't see much gravel. I was out there yesterday afternoon, met a buddy at Terra Nova and we went south from the Pub to 17...over to Prince of Wales, N to River over to hwy 10, down to Mansfield...west on 17, down Prince Of Wales to hwy89 and then I returned back thru River Road. Slight amount of gravel on one or 2 corners of River Road..other than that it was pretty clean.

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