One of my part time jobs is for the toronto parking authority and it honestly has me questioning how intelligent the general population is.
I can't see myself making these same mistakes, asking these questions, etc. But that also might be unfair for me to say because I know what to look for (from working there). So I figured I'd ask you guys: are parking lots honestly that confusing (using machines/finding exits/etc.)
I'm extra patient with older folks because not everyone grows up using technology. But when you're my age, or even a little bit older, it seems like there's no excuse to be that lost when it comes to using technology (or even common sense). I can even get when you're not from the city and stuff like this is new to you...But sometimes I see whole families struggling to pay for parking and I wonder whether they're all idiots (but in their defense, I could see how some signs may not be too clear or can be read as ambiguous).
So are they idiots, or am I just being too harsh? What's your experience like any time you park at green p/use the machines? (This includes both automated lots & non-automated lots)
Fwiw, I'm not the rude, lazy ******* in the booth. I help when I need to, but I'm legitimately wondering whether I'd be that lost when I try to put myself in their shoes. But it can't really be THAT hard, can it? Are there any things, in your opinion that need to be changed? It's not a perfect system, but I also don't think it's THAT bad, either.
I can't see myself making these same mistakes, asking these questions, etc. But that also might be unfair for me to say because I know what to look for (from working there). So I figured I'd ask you guys: are parking lots honestly that confusing (using machines/finding exits/etc.)
I'm extra patient with older folks because not everyone grows up using technology. But when you're my age, or even a little bit older, it seems like there's no excuse to be that lost when it comes to using technology (or even common sense). I can even get when you're not from the city and stuff like this is new to you...But sometimes I see whole families struggling to pay for parking and I wonder whether they're all idiots (but in their defense, I could see how some signs may not be too clear or can be read as ambiguous).
So are they idiots, or am I just being too harsh? What's your experience like any time you park at green p/use the machines? (This includes both automated lots & non-automated lots)
Fwiw, I'm not the rude, lazy ******* in the booth. I help when I need to, but I'm legitimately wondering whether I'd be that lost when I try to put myself in their shoes. But it can't really be THAT hard, can it? Are there any things, in your opinion that need to be changed? It's not a perfect system, but I also don't think it's THAT bad, either.