apple magic mouse or the magic trackpad

Depends on what you're used to. Mouse or trackpad?

IMO the trackpad is phenomenal with OSX as you can configure the gestures to do all kinds of stuff the mouse won't do. I'm not sure if the mouse supports 3 and 4 finger gestures... even if it does, it's probably awkward. The trackpad is primo.
I've only used the magic mouse for a couple of days before I returned my iMac. I found it VERY awkward to use, but I'm sure I would have gotten used to it. I may be mistaken but the magic trackpad is the same thing that's on the laptops right? If it is, then I would LOVE it for sure. I'm going to be selling my MBP13" and I'm really going to miss the trackpad on it, PC laptops aren't in the same class.
Can't compare for you, sorry...I've never used the magic mouse...but I love the track pad :D Can't stand working on any computers that have a mouse now.
I have been using the Magic Mouse since it's launch. I picked up a Magic Trackpad 2 weeks ago. I will not go back to my mouse. For the first 2 days I kept reaching for my mouse. Now I do not even know where it is. I started using it at work and now I have one for home (I work on a glass desk so I used a Logitech Trackman currently). Once I upgrade to Snow Leopard or Lion say bye-bye to the Trackman.

any one who have both? which one is better to use? I have the magic mouse which is great but wondering how the magic trackpad would be?

I like them both for different purposes. If I have a lot of writing to do, then I prefer the mouse especially if I have to cut and paste a lot of material. However, in that, I have a lot more experience with a mouse. I find the trackpad better for just about anything else. Over time, as I become more familiar with the trackpad, I may come to prefer it. The more I use the trackpad, the less strain I feel in my hand and wrist. For what I use it for, it is much lighter and requires less effort than a mouse.

Both work flawlessly. The bluetooth keyboard works quite well too. It requires a very light touch.
Selecting text is pretty easy with the trackpads... double click-hold where you wanna start your selection and then run your finger to where you want it to end.

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