Apex Cycle - New Location, Open House Feb 28, 2013


Well-known member
Just noticed from a kijiji ad that Apex Cycle has moved. I may be wrong, but it looks like they are now in where United Furniture Warehouse used to be, in Cambridge.
They have an open hose this Thursday night. I plan on going to check it out, thought some of you guys might also be interested.
I'm really happy to see a bunch of nice guys expand and hopefully really prosper. They have a good lineup, now a big shop and my dealings with Apex to date have been nothing but positive.
Good luck boys, southern Ontario can use a new improved shop.
On their facebook page, it looks like they'd like an RSVP if you're going:

In an effort to show our appreciation for your patronage (and show off our new digs!!) we are hosting a party! Thursday February 28th is the date, from 7-11pm, and we'd love to see you! We'll have food and drinks as well as our whole staff team on hand to give you a tour of our great new facility at 200 Preston Parkway in Cambridge. Kindly inform us of your attendance by shooting an email to RSVP@apexcycle.ca. Thanks!
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