Ape With an AK47

Funny but fake
Funny but fake

Can be real no?

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Abundant viewing pleasure compromised by questionable authenticity. Sad ending to glorious thread, speaking from a personal perspective, of course. Will scour neighbourhood on the morrow looking for bad parking in desperate hope of salvaging a less than stellar week of hijinks.
Abundant viewing pleasure compromised by questionable authenticity. Sad ending to glorious thread, speaking from a personal perspective, of course. Will scour neighbourhood on the morrow looking for bad parking in desperate hope of salvaging a less than stellar week of hijinks.

I dunno what I like more, your humour or the fact that you don't give a flip if anyone else understands you.
Don't think these guys are intelligent enough to produce something like this. I think it is real. Regardless, love the "uh-oh" moment :-)
It's Caesar before he got captured to the lab!
if it was real, you would have seen that little ape blasted to smithereens as soon as the first shot went off.....

Now that would have been something to see.
awesome, Im heading to the IKEA to pick one up, hopefully he gets along with my trunk monkey.
LOL trunk monkey was awesome.
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