Anyone riding down south in May at all?


Well-known member
I am looking to hopefully take a ride to Daytona beach for a week or so in the beginning of may does anyone have any plans for a trip to the states in may? Maybe we can ride together and then go our separate ways once we get to a certain point? I dont really feel like Solo Riding all the way to Daytona :P. Ill prob take a longer route through the Blue ridge parkway (been twice and love it). If anyone is interested let me know?


Blake C.
Hey Blake...

I'm thinking about road tripping it down south in May/June but will definitely take you up on the offer for some company in May... Riding Solo wasn't making me excited for the trip! lol PM me when you get a chance, let's talk.


I was looking at riding down in the first week of March, if anyone would like to join for that.
This may not be the year...
April, May and even June have been so wet and rainy in the American states south of Ontario the last 4 or 5 years. Like some real flooding, bridges out in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Interstates are fine - they are built to military specs - but no fun to ride! Actually August and September and even October have been the best times to head south on rural roads for bikes. (Even tho' many bridges were still washed out - frikkn' Obama shovel-ready jobs were a ruse!)

So... Since we have had such a crappy winter... we may well have to pay for it in April, May and June 2012. Read; Rain, Rain and cold.

However... if nice pleasant spring weather appears.. then I am riding down the old rural roads through Pa, WV, Tenn, and maybe even to some beach life! (all the kiddies will have left Daytona to write their final exams)

April and May are the cheapest motel rates in Daytona - like $39.00 a night when I was last there to see a shuttle launch! (heh heh - it was actually canceled due to thunder storms.. but the beach was nice)
I am interested in a ride, wasn't planning as early as May, but if the weather is ok, I might be convinced. Blue Ridge Pkwy to the dragon, is where I want to go.
sounds like a fun trip. now just need to find something to do down there.
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